1st thanks 2nd i am hangin in very tuff days awoke very depressed this am
had my tea unwrapped the hand and ready for the wash and scrub happy to say i did not get
like yesterday nor did i almost faint
got more skin off wish there was no pain but as one said here pain is good means burn not so deep
nita can't remember meds you told me help
lyn any more ideas on pain mgmt do not want motr scalpel debride wednesday can i continue myself i have pics guys snap daily if that will help
bonnie my friend don't know how i'd manage without your help i can feel you so grateful
i'm waiting for texas
maybe one day any thoughts from you dear one on how i can do the debridement and such myself having bad dreams of the cutting worse than the burning
all of your support is what gets me thru each day and nite
shain does horses well they are real good for him now he hunted this am and shot me a grouse his first sorry folks but i love grouse cooked in oj and honey bob is here all week cooks cleans does laundry miracles can and do happen this is a 1st in 25 yrs
marty called and booted my butt so i feel a bit better
once again your caring means the world to this hermit lady in her hollow my joys now are few to feel loved to see my kids run and play see my son be a gentle man
must go hurts to tpe luv you all
darn spelling hand