Dirty Holly and SilverBelle

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2005
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Estero Fl /Cape Cod Ma.
I still cant stop with the happy tears!! First off Marty has been pulling all of our legs!! She fibs!! Holly is NOT the least bit Dirty!! Quite the contrary...she is the cleanest ( they both are ) little thing. Of course they both arrived with ribbons,bows and scrunchies INTACT!! Lots of personal info, books,feed and treats!!

They were supposed to arrive Sat PM and unfortunatly the shipper had some truck problems so they didnt get to Martys place until Sat afternoon...I felt bad for Hauled Wright but I was happy that the girls were not on the truck when it happened. Poor Marty had the girls all dressed,cleaned and wanted so bad for them to arrive spotless so she kept them in the day before. She called and was so upset because she wanted to let them out for a little, seeing as shipping was late....she was soooo worried that they'd get dirty....."Marty, jeeze dont worry about them getting dirty...I dont care"

We'll when the trailer pulled up this afternoon and these 2 little girls were standing in the back ( they had a big comfy box stall) My mouth dropped!! They looked adorable. SilverBelle was the first off...after a little sniffing and snorting...1 big leap and she was off the trailer...Holly not to be undone by SilverBelle thought she was jumping the Erie Canal...I think she jumped over SB!!

My horses were so excited and naturally all crowded around their stall to check out their new room mates. The girls will be sharing a stall for a week or so...its huge ( about 15x30) and opens up to their own pasture. To give you an idea of their stall size 9 bags of shavings then my hubby thought they should have alittle more so I think its 12 bags total! They were alittle shy for about the first 20 min. w/SB hiding behind Holly every chance she got and wanted nothing to do w/her new wicked step mother. They both rolled alittle, drank H20 and except for being alittle shy they looked great. I decided to turn them out by them selves in their pasture while I took a chair in w/them and read all the stuff Marty sent along with them. Holly was the first to come up and introduce herself after they trotted all around and smell the Fla. air. I think she knew I had carrots in my pocket ( I had forgotten about them )...well the minute she got a piece of carrot I turned into Julia Roberts....."hey this step mom aint too bad....she might be o.k. I'll give her the real Holly test later..but for now I'll just keep enjoying my carrots" It didnt take long before SB decided to introduce herself too. In 20 min. they were trotting after me running around chasing me for more treats!! Then they would go running over to check out the other horses over the fence and I would call them and they would come running right back to me. All I could do was cry happy tears.

Now its been about an hr. and I hadnt even called poor Marty to tell her they arrived safe and sound ( I had promised I'd call her the second they got here ) Well I had to drag myself away...but then its right back to the girls. I even ran back to the house to tell her that they took their first poop!! Both of them nice perfect little poops...poor Marty had told me I'd most likely have to deal w/SB projectile diareah...Nope just perfect poops!!

My only worry with them is the rain on the barn roof...its tin and can sometimes be very loud...especially the thunder and rain storms that tend to happen daily here in Fl.....I may be spending a few rainy nights out w/them....although I hope not....we'll just have to see.

Sorry this post is so long but Im just so excited that I had to let it out. But now I gotta go back and see my new girls. I took lots ofpictures and If I can get it figured out tonight I will post.

Thanks again, from the bottom of my heart to Marty,Hauled Wright,Double Diamond ( new horses = new tack) and to Mary Lou because with out this LB forum I never would have met so many helpful people....or gone from 1 horse to 7 in 3 yrs!!

Hugs to you all, Heidi
Congratulations on your new mares. Don't forget to post those pictures when you get the chance.
Okay......I am totally out of it. Marty has sold Dirty Holly and Silver Belle to you?

I apologize for not being in touch with what's going on.........BUT, I am in shock that Marty has sold "Dirty Holly"......

I'm going off line and re-grouping here........

PS: Just want to add.......LittleRibbie.......You must be one outrageously wonderful horse person to make it through Marty's SONAR! Congratulations.
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Wow Congratulations on your new mares, I can't believe Marty sold horses
You must be one wonderful horsemom for Marty to entrust her babies to you. Don't forget to post pictures when you can.

Wait a minute, have I missed something? Marty actually sold Dirty Holly and Silverbelle?

I must have been hiding under a rock.........wow....you must be someone very, very special to be buy from Marty...... and I love the story of how they arrived with scrunchies and all.......that is so totally Marty.
It's kind of ironic that Ruth and I were driving to Fort Myers today to visit our daughter in college, when we passed the Hauled Wright truck. I guess we should have followed to see Dirty Holly and Silverbelle in person. Enjoy them, they sound like two special little horses.

Well, I've been out of the loop too - had no idea Marty had let her girls go. I know you will enjoy them.

Congratulations! I know you will really have fun with them.

You have to be a special person or Marty would never have entrusted her girls to you.

Wow, you have a famous horse, the only horse author that I know.

Somehow the ribbons and scrunchies don't surprise me. Now, we need pictures.

Well, I knew the two girls were for sale (come on people, I thought everyone here checked out the saleboard regularly, they've been posted on there--and I was shocked to see Holly listed for sale!!) but I didn't know Marty had found a suitable buyer. Congratulations Heidi!!
Yes Valerie, Heidi is someone special to me and has been for years.

I can't barely talk about this is so hard.

Its a very sad time for me and it was very painful to say goodbye. I have given this some serious thought for a very long time. Everything is changeing. I'll see what happens in a year or two and things could reverse themselves and maybe I will crank it back up, I don't know. I have COPD and last winter taking care of so many horses was horrible on me. I clean 13 stalls every day and night and pick 52 hoofs out per day, groom and fuss no matter how cold or wet it is, just the way I do things out there. But it took its toll as I was deathly ill for nearly three months every single day, running fevers, lost my voice completely, and I can't go through that again.

I know how Heidi is about her horses so I knew Holly and Silver Belle would have fabulous homes. This is a lady that is worse than me about grooming and dressing them up for every occasion etc. and general fussiness so its perfect. She is anal so I know she is the right one for my horses.

We all know homes like this don't come easy so although this was heartwrenching for me to part with them, I knew they would be safe in her hands. Heidi wants one foal to keep so I bred her to Nick for one last time and we hope Holly is now in foal for her. If she gives her a foal anything like Timmy and Noelle, that is going to be one heck of a nice baby.

Silver Belle is a non-breeding mare and she and Holly as are inseparatable. She went as her companion and also as companion to another horse Heidi has that needs her motherly ways. That happens to be Silver Belle's speciality so I have no doubts she will be a nice asset to her farm.

Heidi said they were even more than she expected them to be so that made me feel really good.
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Congrats you guys! There is no feeling like placing a horse just where it is supposed to be! And no feeling like a brand new horsie to love! Congrats to both!
Amen Crabby-Chicken! You took the words right out of my mouth! Congratulations Heidi and Marty both.....................
Congratulations Heidi!! I have been admiring Silverbelle for a while - she is a gorgeous little mare! Holly is very pretty too and I hope you will have many grand years with them both.
It sounds like a win - win situation !! Most important is knowing the horses will be well cared for
Congratulations Heidi on your 2 new mares! Marty, I'm sorry you've been having health issues but it sure sounds like you found a wonderful home for your girls!! However, after hearing Marty's "Dirty Holly" stories for years I sure am going to miss them! I'll never forget when Marty was waiting for Timmy to be born! Yikes!
Okay......I am totally out of it. Marty has sold Dirty Holly and Silver Belle to you?
I apologize for not being in touch with what's going on.........BUT, I am in shock that Marty has sold "Dirty Holly"......

I'm going off line and re-grouping here........

PS: Just want to add.......LittleRibbie.......You must be one outrageously wonderful horse person to make it through Marty's SONAR! Congratulations.
Took the words right out of my mouth MA.

Can't wait to see photos.
Gosh you guys, I've been reading all your posts and kind words for a couple of days and just did'nt know how to respond. I really truly feel like the lucky one here and hope I can fill some pretty big shoes. The mountain girls are adjusting nicely and only visiting the others through the fence. Marty did a great job sending me videos and descibing them both before they got here so I did have a pretty good idea of their little quirks. Little SilverBelle reminds me of a little doe, she's so refined and dainty but a little nervous too. Marty has been working with the clicker with her so we did some of that today. Holly is just a doll baby and very vocal...she loves to chat with my others and has quickly learned that I'm the treat machine. We have these tiny no see um flies here...only at dusk and HOLLY HATES them. Still waiting on her fly sheet to arrive so tonight I have them both in light coolers and fly masks. Poor little girls nothing matches...they look like little orphans. Oh well. I had sort of neglected my 2 girls the last few days waiting for the arrival of SB and Holly, I felt bad so I had to take them out to the soapy salon for a couple baths....so they could look as nice as Martys girls...I even made them put on scrunchies so they wouldnt feel left out. Its funny...even though the girls now live with me...they will always be Marty's Girls...I like it that way!!

I have taken lots of pictures and will have my husband help me post them when he's feeling better. He's had this crazy flu for almost 2 weeks. Went for chest x rays today and Dr. thinks there might be alittle phnemonia going on in there..great. Has to go for another x ray tomorrow so we will just have to wait and see.

Thanks again for your kindness


P.S. Gary, your daughters school is so close to us, please promise you will let me know the next time you are in the area. I'd love for you to visit and I make awesome cookies!!

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