I just sent off an e-mail to them too. Rather than write more here, I'll just post what I wrote to them:
I just visited your rescue site, and I am absolutely appalled that you actually allow a little mare like Shanequa to be ridden by a child the size of the one in the photos. What are you thinking? Please don’t tell me that child is within the weight limits for a horse that size to carry, because anyone with a bit of common sense can see that she is far too heavy for such a small horse.
For that matter, even Skeeter is too small to be ridden by that child—and in his case to make matters worse the child is sitting on a saddle that is much too small for her and really for the pony—all that weight being concentrated on such a small portion of the pony’s back….SHAME ON YOU.
I have to say that this portrays your rescue in a very poor light. It’s a sad day when there are horses needing to be rescued from a rescue.
(Woohoo, I have COLOR--remember when Mary Lou changed the forum last time, and some of us couldn't use color?? After all this time, I have color! Cool--I hope it stays around this time!
Something that really shocked me when I visited that rescue site was this:
http://www.ac4h.com/radiant.htm Being a Morgan person I remember Radiant Flaire from back in the good old days when he was winning his titles. Seeing his successes at the time, who would have ever guessed that he'd end up in a kill pen at some shoddy auction 10 or so years later???