Disapointed in this rescue

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2004
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Go to this website, Click on the link for ponies and minis and then find the mare named Shanequa. You'll see why I'm so upset.


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To the rider in question: "Great, you've got a helmet on to protect you. Who's going to protect the HORSE from your fat butt?!"

I was wincing over her riding the shetland pony too, but I know those guys are a lot stronger than they look. But geez, who feels the need to ride a mini?

She looks like a perfect match for Rocky.

I saw this the other day as I often go to that site to see the "broker" horses and went to the other part of the site and saw this mare being ridden. I think I will send a very polite email to them saying why they should not be riding these minis, at least not a child or adult who is too large to do so. I don't think they realize what they are doing or what kind of portrait this is giving to their rescue.
Idoits Rule of Thumb:

If your butt is bigger then the horse's, it should ride YOU.

What a bunch of moronic backyard idoits. Looking at the rest of the site I doubt "their heart is in the right place" either.
Well I don't agree with your opinion on their hearts not being in the right place. I have dealt through another rescue, full size horses and we have had their help "Another Chance" do everything they could to get some saddlebreds out of a situation. I don't believe it's fair to judge anyone unless you know personally what is going on and I think a simple and polite email to them will help without starting rumours that may not be factual or accurate at all. I believe One of the minis that Last Chance took in came from their site.
I emailed them asking if it was the actual rescue people who were riding this little mare and here was their response.

"That is my daughter who is 10 yrs old and long legged but not outside of the acceptable weight ratio of the mare"

Not outside of the acceptable weight ratio? Like heck she isn't that kid is more suited for say 13-14 hands ponies not minis who are 4 years old. I didn't even start my 16 hand gelding till he was 5 years and since he was 1200 pounds my 105 pounds was nothing for him. That kid looks about my size so 105 pounds on a mare who is probably only 200 pounds isn't right, at all.
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Could someone please tell these folks that Cloud the first mini listed is a silver dapple and not a blue roan? :bgrin

But anyway... someone that size riding a mini of that size (look how the mare's back is dropped and braced) and hauling back on the halter like that would seem to be a very dubious photo for a rescue site to use.... *sigh*
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It doesn't give the height of the mare, just her age. The 29" is the height of the stallion she has been exposed to.
I have seen this on that site repeatedly!

I think it is very odd picture to show on a rescue site
That is incredible! The nerve, some people will do anything to sell a horse and advertise it (i am sure thats why they took them pics with THAT rider ugh :eek: )

It's sad to see these people who start rescue's that have horses that NEED to be rescued from the rescue.

Leeana H.
The mare is not that big.

I have sent them a (not so polite, sorry) e-mail, giving my place of residence (just in case they thought only Americans looked at their website) and also telling them their "blue roan" is a Silver Black!!!!
this is why cmhr does not allow this site to be posted on the rescue forum anymore. This is the same one that was posted on cmhr a few months ago.
This rescue is not that far from me. I had contacted them last fall about a big horse that was broker owned. I wanted to come see it, but it was very fishy, I couldn't go to the brokers place. They were going to bring it to their farm for me to see. I never ended up going to see it as it was just fishy to me. I think there isn't really a broker, I think they are the broker. They have donation jars up at all the local feed stores. I also got an email on a rescue list that I belong to that they shipped 3 foals or yearlings to a foster home in Rhode Island (or Long Island I forget which) with strangles! They tried to say that they must have picked it up from the shipper, but the one horse had already ruptured and was ozing, that doesn't happen in a day. I do think they have rescued some horses, but I don't agree with all of their practices.
I just sent off an e-mail to them too. Rather than write more here, I'll just post what I wrote to them:


I just visited your rescue site, and I am absolutely appalled that you actually allow a little mare like Shanequa to be ridden by a child the size of the one in the photos. What are you thinking? Please don’t tell me that child is within the weight limits for a horse that size to carry, because anyone with a bit of common sense can see that she is far too heavy for such a small horse.

For that matter, even Skeeter is too small to be ridden by that child—and in his case to make matters worse the child is sitting on a saddle that is much too small for her and really for the pony—all that weight being concentrated on such a small portion of the pony’s back….SHAME ON YOU.

I have to say that this portrays your rescue in a very poor light. It’s a sad day when there are horses needing to be rescued from a rescue.

(Woohoo, I have COLOR--remember when Mary Lou changed the forum last time, and some of us couldn't use color?? After all this time, I have color! Cool--I hope it stays around this time!

Something that really shocked me when I visited that rescue site was this: http://www.ac4h.com/radiant.htm Being a Morgan person I remember Radiant Flaire from back in the good old days when he was winning his titles. Seeing his successes at the time, who would have ever guessed that he'd end up in a kill pen at some shoddy auction 10 or so years later???

It only seems fair that SHANEQUA gets "her" turn to play.... RIDE THE RIDER!

Color me wierd, but my take on "horse rescue" includes a helicopter and large net to fetch it to safety.

I applaud CMHR and its wonderful members for all it's efforts.

Not being a big "church-goer" (the building would collapse upon my entry) I maintain a strong belief and utmost respect for the Good Lord. Taking in mistreated horses who cross our path, bring them home, fixin 'em up (physically/emotionally), and find a wonderful family to love them, is my twisted way of honoring Him, tithing.....just don't know what to call "it".

Yep, I charge buyers a nominal price. It's my experience folks won't cherish that which came without a price....and the wretched circle of neglect continues for the horse.

As Miniv's avatar states "Horses can't speak for themselves".... speaks volumes.
And I'll tell ya what- that kid could probably get on any of my unbroken Minis and the poor things would do the same. Just because a large, HEAVY child can sit on a Mini doesn't make the mini BROKE to ride!

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And I'll tell ya what- that kid could probably get on any of my unbroken Minis and the poor things would do the same. Just because a large, HEAVY child can sit on a Mini doesn't make the mini BROKE to ride!

It's because the poor mini is so busy trying not to collapse under the load she can't give the bronc ride so richly deserved.
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