Divorce and MY horses, thank you all

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I'm in Indiana as well,if I could help at auction i'd try
. Hopefully you can straighten things out before they go any farther
I'm very sorry you have to go through this. On the light side, I read this whole thread and told Terry if he ever tried to do this he would be a dead man. He said he would only take what he came into this relationship with and I asked if he would take Bob the cat and his filly Bonnie. He would take Bob but leave Bonnie here and I said you would leave me with that spoiled rotten filly? She is very sweet but she is his filly and spoiled absolutely rotten.

Hope things work out for you.

All I can say is this is a firm lesson to me on the importance of getting pet ownership in writing BEFORE I get married someday. My current sweetie loves my animals but I don't think he'd ever try to take them because for one thing he knows what they mean to me and for another he also knows how much they'd cost him to feed and keep healthy!
But the mere thought of having my animals considered as marital assets that could be auctioned off...

I swear the pre-nup will read "What was mine before the marriage is still mine, what is his before the marriage remains his, things we each buy with our own funds are ours, and the value of what we buy jointly or out of the family account will be split 50/50 (individual items to be traded for equal shares)." I want any horses he buys me signed into my name and added to the agreement as being a free-and-clear gift to me! It would be like selling my children to lose my fur-family.

I'm so sorry you're going through this Frankie.

Good to hear that he's computer illiterate, Frankie! Now I can stop worrying about THAT part (though not the rest)

I love my husband dearly, and this IS Valentine's Day. That said, if something like this happened to me, I'd likely go with S.S.S.

(It's not just for killer dogs anymore...)
It breaks my heart that this is happening to you. I cant even write how I feel about your husband doing this to you. Can you call your friends and ask them to buy your horses from you before this happends , and give him the money..at a later time you can buy your horses back. hope it works out
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Thank you all so very much for your ideas and support. I appreciate it so much. Each time I went to the barn I almost felt fear, but that has gone away.

They're not going anywhere and I know that,,,,it's just a matter of what goes for them to stay or how much the check is.

Thank you all so much!!
Carolyn, I can't EVEN imagine what your going through right now. It's beyond my comprehention that you would have to go through such an AWFUL thing. I can't imagine this day in age that the court makes you do something like that. I thought women's rights had come further then that. Their treating them as solely property and nothing else. How terrible and devastating. I'm sooo sorry and my heart goes out to you. My prayers go out to you and I hope in some way you can keep them. )))))HUGS(((((( TJ
First let me say how truly sorry I am you are going through this horrible time. This is why I have chosen to just stay single. I went through was started out to be a truly ugly divorce years ago. He was even stupid enough to put threats in writing. Can we say "Dumb Guy"! So I used the dumb guy thing and turned on a little sugar. I even suggested we got along much better when we were just dating than married. How nice it would be to get back to those days. What an idiot, he bought it lock stock and barrel. I walked away with the house, my vehicle, what was in the house and the pets.

He Walked away with the brand new vehicle and the huge payment that went with it had to live in an apartment and what little furniture it would hold. Needless to say life was good. Also he had a restraining order that I chose not to remove. My brothers convinced him he needed to just let it go and leave me and my daughter alone.

I am late in this so I am hoping all has turned out well I saw a date of 2/26 as the last court date.

I wish you the best in your future and happiness to follow you forever.

I fully agree if he's entitled to half their value, then he owes for half their care since he's been gone!!! Do your spring shots, coggins, etc. NOW so he can participate in that bill for "his" horses.
Thank you all so much. We are working on things I am unable to talk about at this time.

There has been a year of talk, you get this, can't have this, I get that. It has been a year of just big talk!

But now. Reality is starting to hit me hard.

Today was the only day the Equine Appraiser could get out. As I watched him writing down things, taking pictures, the screwdriver in my gut got turned and twisted more. Then handing over copies of all their paperwork. I just can't explain.

The final hearing is Thursday, I can't wait for it to be here, and I hope it never comes.

I could use some good thoughts for that day.

Thank you
i had a friend go through this and sold all her horses to closefriends for a dollar, making them technically not hers.
I'll definitely be thinking of you on Thursday and hoping that things go the way you want them to. I realize there may be necessary delays in spreading the word but please let us know as soon as you can. Fingers are crossed .... toes too. GOOD LUCK!!!
I'm soo sorry you are going through this. I will pray that this works out in your favour. And will be praying extra hard and thinking good thoughts for you on Thursday. Keep us posted and let us know if you need any help.
Adding my good thoughts and prayers for you Carolyn, fingers crossed and sending {{{hugs}}}. Good luck, and let us know if there is anything we can do!

That appraiser had better know what he's doing.
You have an email Carol, anything i can do just let me know...

**Good thoughts**

I hate to see things like this happen to good people

- Leeana
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Our thoughts and prayers will be with you that everything works out great for you on Thursday. If there is anything that can be done let us know. We aren't too far away from you, in Kentucky.
OH my goodness, ohhhhhh my goodness how things can turn around.

He sent over a different offer today, I signed to accept it, I can not share the details, afraid to jinx it,he has to sign it still. He has changed his mind before.

Nerves are bad waiting for a call saying he signed it.

When he does and the judge signs it will give more details.

Thank you all so very very much for the support, and some so far away.

Thank you

Thank you!!!!!
OMG I hope it all turns out and is done for soon for you! Keeping my fingers crossed!

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