Do any of you guys own fish?

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Just ordered a Blonde Naso Tang!
Tell us more about your tank
Obviously salt, and because Naso's grow to be over a foot and a half in size...obviously big !!! Please tell us more. I'd love to hear about your set up.
Currently a 44ga corner, bow front.. Canister filter, power heads with Coralife lighting. Several live rocks, adding a long tentacle anemone soon. For now, we started with a Clarkii, damsels, Royal Gramma and a Strawberry Pseuchromis. Oh, and are Diamond Goby that's awesome to watch! Maybe one day I will give a Manderin a go.

Already addicted, so another tank is in the works so I can have my Naso!!
Currently a 44ga corner, bow front.. Canister filter, power heads with Coralife lighting. Several live rocks, adding a long tentacle anemone soon. For now, we started with a Clarkii, damsels, Royal Gramma and a Strawberry Pseuchromis. Oh, and are Diamond Goby that's awesome to watch! Maybe one day I will give a Manderin a go.

Already addicted, so another tank is in the works so I can have my Naso!!
I've had my mandarin for well over a year...they're not as hard as people say to train to frozen but feel free to PM me if you need help when you get one. Salt is VERY addicting because of the amazing colors you can get...wait til you hooked on corals *grin*. I'd love to see pics if you have any?

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