. . . I am so tired of getting that look. . . What do you say to someone who thinks your horses are misfits? . . .
I just grin and say, "Well, without these guys, none of the BIG horses would eat: these are the draft horses that haul round bales AND fresh water every morning to the field horses."
I've also been known to say with a dead straight face, "They are MUCH easier to watch tv with than the Morgans." or "My Clyde doesn't fit on the foot of the bed anymore." or "Couldn't get that dang quarter horse house-broke no matter what!" or "Couldn't afford a new trailer, so I went with something I could haul in the mini Cooper." or "He used to be an American Paint, but I left him out in the rain with my Shetland sheep, and they ALL shrank."
I have a rather sorry reputation for having a smart mouth -- ya think??? -- but it does usually disengage their mouths long enough for the brains to kick into gear. For those whose brain gears are already stripped, I can usually come up with something they do that is just as illogical, and tackle that with a smart lip and sharpened tongue.
My husband got the answer, "They cost too much to let me buy any more house pets." He never asked again what they were good for.
My adored father was the hardest to convince: he has the same kind of smart mouth I do (gee, do you think there might be a connection here?), and his comments were sometimes hardest to take just because they were SO on target that they stung more. And he doesn't like horses at all, or any other kind of livestock, having grown up a city boy to the bone. One day in response to some of his stinging remarks, I said, "They are the only males I know who have the sense not to talk when their mouths are full of anything brown." This took almost three whole seconds to register with him and then he changed the subject, and never went back to ribbing me about it again! LOL
Sometimes a memorized smart-butt answer will do more to end the ribbing than anything you can possibly say to hand back the pain.
Leah M.