Do you feel judged?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2006
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Southern Ca
Just curious, do you guys ever get embarrassed by the books that you read or buy? Like when you go into a store and you see a steamy book cover, do you purchase it right there in the store or do you copy down the name and go online to buy it in privacy? Do you read eye-raising books in public (work, doctor's office, etc) or do you read them in the comfort of your own home? Do you ever feel like people around you are judging you by what type of book you read?

I don't like to look at or buy steamy books in public. I also won't read them when others are around. People have a curiousity towards other people's books, and they tend to pay attention. Lol. Sometimes when I'm reading a horror book, I also try to keep the cover hidden as they are usually scary or gothic looking. I don't want to receive dirty looks from people because they think I'm into the occult or something (it's happened to me in the past). Now that I think about it, a Kindle might come in handy with this particular problem. Lol.

So what about you? What's your do's and dont's of reading/buying in public?
I don't read steamy romance novels, maybe that's why I'm not interested in romatic comedy movies. I don't see any intense plot to keep me interested, more just a bit of cotton candy. I would be more apt to hide a twilight type book or Eaters when I get to it because the cover looks like the walking dead, especially if I took the book to work to read in the break room.

If it's well-written and of literary merit (such as Anais Nin or D.H. Lawrence), I'm never embarrassed by the topic. I AM more likely to be embarrassed if I'm caught reading a trashy waste of time.
Very interesting question, I've never given it a thought before now. I take a book with me to doctors appointments and never had anyone give me the willies while I read it. Once I was reading The Dome by Steven King and someone in my GYN office said she had read it and liked it, so I guess people do notice what others read. The only steamy book I ever read was 50 Shades, I didn't like it and only read the first one then gave it away. I did'nt read it in public that I can remember.
I think it's the same as going to the checkout line and buying a National Enquirer or Star or something like that and having everyone judge you. When I was younger, I used to get embarrassed but now that I'm an old lady, I don't care what anyone else thinks. If I enjoy reading it that's all that matters. I remember being hooked on Amanda Quick's books when I was younger and those were steamy but they were fun.

I also should add I love fluff books. Sometimes when life is stressful, it's just great to pick up something easy and quick to read and escape.
50 Shades is the only steamy books I have read, besides some old LoveSwept romance books by Iris Johansen (my favorite author) before she got into suspense. But I didn't buy or read any of them in public. I do also have a vampire series I haven't read yet called The Black Dagger Brotherhood, which has steamy book covers.

Yesterday I had a dentist appointment and a woman there was reading a book with a very racy cover. Which is why I asked this question. I could never do that! 50 Shades has modest book covers but everyone knows those by name. I didn't even read the Twilight books in public because those are "teeny bopper" books. Lol.

So this brings up another you judge others based on the books that they read (either in public or when you view their home library)?
YES! But, it's not a new feeling and I'm really very much in touch with what I find entertaining (shhh... but that's really all it's about!).............. SO, outside judgement of my reading choices changes not a thing
I know what I enjoy, and why would I wat to read a thing that I did not enjoy?!?!
Great point! I totally forgot about magazines and calendars. When I was 9 years old, my best friend and I were in the store and we happened to see a Chip N' Dale's calendar. We were curious, so we picked it up and were looking at it when our mom's walked up. Oops! I guess this goes for music CD's as well. Being that I went through a rap phase, you definately get people passing judgement on you when they see what you're buying.
Do I judge someone by their choice of reading material? I'd have to say no, since I already know the person. I have a friend that is very well educated, has, how to say this, alot of money, lots of art, the best of everything. I love her to death and she never acts uppity and she is very kind. When I go to her home I know what to expect, as she has a completely different lifestyle. She has some really nice, expensive art and most of her books are educational or the classics. I've never asked her if she reads the same authors as I do. We met through a mutual friend and all of us love our horses, and our common interest is horses. I didn't judge her character or personality by her reading material, or I would have assumed she was a bit of a snob, which she isn't. My Mother-in-Law used to read nothing but romance novels, you know the type you can read one in an afternoon. She was as far from a romantic as you can get.
I would love to say that I don't judge people based on what they read, but on the rare occasion I have. I remember this boy when I was in high school who was really nice but he kind of stayed to himself. He always read books about either famous murders and tragedies, or serial killers. I'd be lying if I said I didn't find that (or him) a bit odd.

Sometimes knowing what people enjoy reading tells you a lot about a person. For instance, there are some people on here that I have a great admiration for because they can read (and enjoy) books that would be way over my head.
I've had people ask what I was reading and then say, "Oh," and chuckle when I showed them my romance or western novel. If they choose to judge me, that's their problem, not mine.
I think that some read a book about a life that is totally different from theirs, such as my life is somewhat boring, so I like to read books that are way out there, like horror, sci-fi, well you get it. I someone wanted to judge me by what I read, they would have it all wrong.
I don't pass judgment on strangers for what they read. What if the person picked that title up on recommendation from a friend/coworker/etc, and they weren't really enjoying it? What if it were assigned to them for a class? I think that a person's reaction to, and interpretation of, a particular title says more about her/him than the fact that s/he read the book.

I'm not personally into romance novels, but if I were, I don't think I would be brave enough to read one in public if it had a racy cover. I love my Kindle for that reason--one can read whatever one pleases without passerby knowing about it!
I think it is natural for one to make a simple judgment about book titles people choose. Seeing what foods people choose is sort of like that. Looking at goods in someone's shopping cart at the grocery store can make one form a judgment. Books and food are similar: one goes in the body and one goes in the mind.

But, there is an old saying among old government workers: ASSUME makes an A** out of U and ME.

I like to look at the Enquirer at the hair dresser. It's fun to see the outlandish clothing styles. But my options for reading material are sparse there: Hairdo, Avon catalogs, How Apple Cider Vinegar Can Save Your Life, or The Enquirer! (So, did anyone make a judgment about my hairdresser???)

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