Do You Have a Favorite Horse?

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Heather Starstruck is awesome! I just love that gleam in his eye!

I have to admit though I have more than one "favorite". There are three horses here that will never leave if I have my way. The first is Fred [Rolling Ridge Rum Runner]. He is the first mini we got and we really got him for the kids but HE decided that I am HIS person. He is well behaved and tolerates the kids but he will not let them anywhere near me. I have had Fred since he was a year old and I trained him to drive. I showed him in halter for many years and won many titles with him. When we went to driving it opened up a whole new world for us. He will whinny when I pull in the driveway at night and won't shut up until I go out to see him. The amazing thing is even if I use my husbands truck he knows when its ME, he won't whinny for Paul. Fred loves to show and as long as he loves to and I can afford it he will. My Webpage
The next horse is Shadow [ERMF Special FX. Shadow was our second mini. My husband wasn't impressed with me when I brought him home. He was the "ugly duckling", in fact the person I was working for who owned a large well known mini farm [who has thank god since gone out of business] told me I bought an ugly horse. Shadow proved him wrong, he has his hall of fame in halter and went on to beat his very expensive stallion that he bought from Lucky Four. Not bad for a four hundred dollar gelding. Shadow has some serious mental quirks so I trained him to drive. It took a very long time, he was not hooked until he was 5. Shadow to me is so much fun to drive, all I have to do is think of where I want to be and he is there. Its like driving a sports car. My Webpage
Then there is Becky [Rolling Ridge Ravishing Rebekah]. Becky is very attached to me and my son Matt. In fact we share her. We got Becky as a yearling and she is the absolute QUEEN of the barn. Becky is Fred's true love. To me she is the best mare I will ever have and I have several really awesome mares. She is so cool to drive and I can trust her totally with the kids. She could be a great halter horse but she doesn't love halter she LIVES to drive. She gives all her heart and then some when she drives. BeckyMy Webpage
I just love seeing the pictures and reading about "our" favorite minis and why they are so special. Just got in from making the rounds here telling all my favorites they are my favorite and a little extra time with Bacardi
oh my god everybody..

some lovely pictres and stories...though i have dial up and havnt seen all the piccies yet,

i can honestly say.. i love em all... but there is one that stands out, she seems to see into my soul.. that may sound melodramatic... but i really meen it..she is just so sweet and lovely,sheloves my children, and they love her..

dont get me wrong.. the others love the kids too... but with, nicole, there is something definaitly different....if i,m feeling sad, when i go out... she seems to comfort me......if i am ok!! she doesnt bother..with me!!!!!..

its strange .....

i really like this post... thanks everyone for sharing


edited to say

here she is......
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Don't know if I will EVER have the 'gear', and the knowledge(!)to post a photo, but if the avatars are still here(I have them 'turned off' to speed up loading on my SLLOOWW dial-up), you will see a head shot of my favorite fellow there. I am truly fond of ALL of my horses, but I also have a 'hierarchy' of most to 'less most' in my affection and attachment! I bred, raised, and did all of the training of 'Jess Cowboys Top Hand', the nearly 13 YO gelding son of Landrys Cowboy Del in my avatar. He is an AMHA Champion, BTW. Second to him is his dam,'Sooner States Melody'(also the dam of 'Jess Rocky Rabbit', for those you who keep up with National AMHA wins). She's now 24; has been with me since she was a long two year old.

'Handy' is now half of my pair, and spent this past weekend(with his partner, 'Teddy' at a WONDERFUL driving clinic with Master multiples driver Hardy Zantke--BOY, was that a great experience!!


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