Gosh, where to start! I have several and don't want to leave anybody out. I think everybody has something that I can learn from them.
There are 2 that I consider my very best friends and I can ask them anything and get a honest answer and that is Robin (REO) and Clara (walter). Both gave me tons of support when I needed it and listened to me when my heart was broken.
Robin is the only one of the forum members that has met my special girl Lady.
Bonnie Fogg has helped both me and my Lady more than she will ever know and I will be eternally grateful to her.
Clara has been a wonderful friend and I can ask her anything, anytime.
Becky and Charlotte also have helped me and been very patient with my questions.
Every one of the forum members that I have met have been super!
I don't post often but I do lurk often! I have learned a lot from this forum. If I left anybody out, please know that I don't leave you out in my heart.
I know that the first time I started with miniatures (1979) there was no one to talk to about them, I learned a lot the hard way. There was nobody to tell me the difference in their special needs and the needs of the big horses that I had always had, and I made a lot of mistakes.
When I did decide to get back into minis, this forum was a huge help to me.