I have a few...
-I always have to bang my fork against the side of wheel barrow whenever I am doing stalls, I am not sure why, but I always MUST knock the wet bedding off. I go nuts whenever one of the little poops gets wedged between the tines close to the part of the fork attached to the handle.
-I always rinse the rim and the inside of buckets when refilling them and then swish the water around and dump it. Even if the buckets are clean, I have too!! I can't stand it when people just dump the water and then refill it with bits of hay in there!
-I must walk around with socks on, I am not sure why but I always feel the need to wear socks, without them, I feel naked!
-I prefer to wear socks when I sleep because whenever my feet do not sweat, they suddenly begin too whenever I think about it while laying in bed, I hate it if my feet stick to the sheets, hence the socks.
-I cannot reuse the same glass for multiple different beverages. I can only use a glass I drank water out of for water, a glass for juice, a glass for milk etc. I have a strange thought that if I reuse a glass that contained water in it, then poured milk in it, the milk would become watered down! I think that may be the time when I was at my Aunts house when I was little and she froze her milk, thawed it, so when I drank it, it was watery
-I only really like to drink pop out of the bottle if it is room temperature. The only way I can drink it with ice is if it is in a plastic Pepsi cup at a small town diner. I find that iced tea out of the bottle (Arizona) is only good warm, the ice I feel detracts from the flavour.
-I prefer water out of the tap without ice.
-When people smack their lips while eating I go crazy, I can hear them even if they are on the other side of the house
Well, that is just a few of them, there certainly are some interesting ones on here. Loved reading this thread