Doctors appointment

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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2004
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Southeast Missouri
Finally made myself a doctors appointment . Went yesterday, told them to go ahead and do all lab work while I was there. Did a fasting blood sugar and it came back sky high, so I am now officiallya Type II Diabetic. Started on meds, diet, etc. Anybody have any good suggestions for keeping this under control.
I have had it for years and it is well under control. First advice is to see a dietician to help you make realistic meal plans.

Buy a book on the sugar values in foods. You will be suprized to learn how high in sugars some foods are, like carrots and peas and corn. I can't remember the name of the book, but will look for you.

It is not the end of the world, you found the problem and are taking steps to correct the situation.

Watch your carbs, some metabolize into sugar way faster than others and can really throw you out of wack.
I remember the book, The Glycemic Index.
Good luck on your new journey to health. I know a few people with controlled Type II diabetes. It takes some time to learn the "good" foods vs. the "bad" foods but it becomes second nature as to what to stay away from.
Not the end of the world......sadly we have a long history on mine and hubby's side so my children may be doomed......the book glycemic index should become your BIL was actually on insulin as he went into a coma and that is how he was diagnosed
...he now has managed to control it with diet only and doesn't need insulin it can be done.....lots of info out there and it is better to know than not as my grandma died when she went into a diabetic coma and no one knew she was diabetic......
Yup me too. I found out a couple of weeks ago. My doctor had to call an ambulance for me and shoved me in the ER and hooked me up to IV"s. I was all out of whack and had no potassium in my system either and was fainting left and right, not very pretty. I have a diet but have not followed it exactly to the letter. Shame on me, I know I know. But actually what I have done mostly is to trade my 2 liter a day pepsi in for club soda. I've now lost 16 pounds and I'm still loosing. I eat lots of salads too and gave up candy and most junk until Christmas of course when I hope Liz will send me some Goobers and Raisinettes! I love to cut up maters and eat them now every day.
I'll go out today and see if I can find the book. Was glad I decide to have my blood sugar checked, I actually was just going to have my thyroid checked since I've been on thyroid meds for years and decided the night before I went to go ahead and fast and just have it checked while I was there. I work at a hospital so I'll go talk to one of our dieticians tomorrow and see what advice she has for me. Have to go back in one month. We're leaving on a cruise next week-end so that will be a real test for me, no midnight buffets, no chocolate buffets, no, no, no.
ctinsley said:
I'll go out today and see if I can find the book. Was glad I decide to have my blood sugar checked, I actually was just going to have my thyroid checked since I've been on thyroid meds for years and decided the night before I went to go ahead and fast and just have it checked while I was there. I work at a hospital so I'll go talk to one of our dieticians tomorrow and see what advice she has for me. Have to go back in one month.  We're leaving on a cruise next week-end so that will be a real test for me, no midnight buffets, no chocolate buffets, no, no, no.

I was a Gestational Diebetic... so have a high chance of ending up with Diabetes. I've had mine checked just recently, and I'm not currently diabetic, but...

My dietician only had me watching carbs, but I also only failed the tests by small amounts. I've been doing a poor job of sticking to the diet since I had Nathan, but I am slowly trying to get back to it, and watch what I eat. Carb watching is a great weight loss plan... keyword: watching, not avoiding. My diet was entirely carb watch and portion sizes...

You really have to keep an eye out, because some foods will spike your sugars while others won't. I really had to watch my milk intake- it was one thing that would spike my sugars like no one's business. I also ended up going to no-sodas, which wasn't fun, and started using Splenda in Kool-aid and such.

You can still bake and such- you'd need to use something like Splenda, and different flours. Here is a great article about flours:

And here's a nice carb counter:

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