does anyone else think this is a bit expensive??

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LisaB--thank you for the info, I'll call tomorrow to see about the longer straps I wasn't real concerned as I thinkt he blankets would likely work fine without, as Lisa said & the price on the blankets was so good that if I had to buy different straps it's not a huge issue. I was just surprised that with the blankets fitting so perfectly otherwise that the leg straps were so short.

I just checked out the Ozark specials page & found the stable blankets for $30--they've even got them still in "my" size. Very tempting, but I don't need more blankets.

I don't need more blankets.....I don't, I don't, I don't.
Shipping costs are going up and up and up! I sold 2 blankets on LB, one to Canada and one to Washington. I charged $8 for shipping, and found out after the fact that the blanket to Canada cost me $19 to ship, and the one to WA cost me $15. They were 4 lbs each. I checked UPS, FED EX, and USPS. USPS was the cheapest, so to speak! :eek:

I have some DD blankets, and really like them for going to shows. I don't let mine run with blankets, but they've held up well in stalls and at shows. Plus they're pretty!
Last year I got the Polar Shield Water-proof Foal Turnout Blanket

and for the price ($27.95) was happy with them.

I've seen them in serveral feedstores but at much higher prices. the KVVet charges.

The only one that got beat up badly belonged to my yearling stud colt (and I think that has to him 'beating" on it when I wasn't looking. And I wanta say in the course of the season I think I had one D ring ripped off. I own a sewing maching and it was just a few mins work to repair both the rip my stud colt did and reattach the D ring. Or if your inclined just get a new one.

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