Does anywhere make portable stall dividers?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2007
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Western Pennsylvania
I show 4H and will be showing at our county fair for 10 days. I will be showing 2 minis this year, and will be taking both of them to the fair. The stalls at our fairgrounds are 12x12 and I guess I could put them in a stall together, but thats not really ideal. The boys are turned out together and play, but they do nip, play, undress eachother, etc. I'm worried that I will have them both bathed, clipped, prepped, and have their pj's on and they will decide to play in the stall, rib eachothers pj's off, and nip and play kick eachother, and in the morning I will find two filthy horses. Another issue is going to be feeding. I know that they will steal eachothers food. During the fair the horses arent allowed out of their stalls after 5pm, so they wont be able to be seperated to be fed.

I was wondering if anywhere made temporary stall dividers so that I could divide the stall in half and not have to worry about everything.

Another option is dog kennel panels I am going to use that they are little squares so the horses cant get feet thru them and have tubing (for lack of a better term) all the way around all 4 sides. You should be able to attach them with zip ties in most stalls

I usually get 2 stalls and take out the middle panel (when it is able to come out like the stalls at Nationals) and then put in a divider so my horses still have plenty of room but can see eachother
The stalls dont have the removable dividers in them. The are wooden "slat" type stalls. Midas is only a yearling and hasnt been many places so I was thinking about getting a canvas tarp and attaching it to the inside of his stall on the walls so he dosent get sensory overload(a lot of people do this for their babies there) do you feel that would be safe? I am looking into the dog kennel panels, but one question i have is how do you get the horse on the other side of the panel out? Do they make ones with doors on the panel that are sturdy?

Also, does anyone have any pictures of things that work well?
I am looking into the dog kennel panels, but one question i have is how do you get the horse on the other side of the panel out? Do they make ones with doors on the panel that are sturdy?

Also, does anyone have any pictures of things that work well?
Well I am guessing this is not for a long time (the show) I would just put something on there like a safety bungee cord or something so that you can move(slide) the divider panel over so you can get horse number 2 out
It's 10 days, so not too awful long.

My uncle is a machineist, and the other is a welder, so im thinking of trying to get them to make me something out of pipe. I was thinking that something simular to a miniature corral panel might work.

I think they could take pipe and weld it together, or get the metal pipe that screws together like pvc(i have no idea what its called) and connect it so it is like a panel, and then somehow make a gate on it so I could get horse #2 out. I have an idea in my head, but im not sure how it would need to be made to be safe and work well
Oh well if you have welders at your disposal then heck ya I would have them make you light weight panel out of maybe like plumbing pipe so it is light weight(or well I am not very handy so I dont know other materials). I would personally not use PVC i had some panels that were PVC and actually like a pipe within a pipe and to be honest it lasted about 20 min at Nationals they shredded it to peices.

You can come up with something great if you have them to help you and if they can double as stall fronts.. you can probobly have a little side buisness going!
If you show your uncles the porta corral pics Im shure they can make you something that will work. PVC has been more than strong enough for my horses big and small. and is light enough to haul around. I tie mine together with zip ties, and the gates with bungee cords.with three 6ft pannels you could divide the 12x12 into two 6x6s with a 6x12 play area, or two 6x12 stalls. It costs me about $20 a pannel to make them. Good luck .DR
Dangerranger, do you have any pictures of the pvc panels you make? And how do you fasten the pipes together ?

Thank you, Charlotte
I may just have to buy that pattern! Even if I have them make it out of something like aluminum pipe it will still be lightweight, fairly strong, and portable. If I have them make me enough panels to make the whole stall into 2 complete seperate 6x12 stalls I think I would also have enough panels that I could set up a temporary round pen at home for when the big pen is a mud hole...

I *think* I remember that someone on here makes their own panels. Im not positive, but I think they make them for runs off of their stalls for their mini's, but I cant find the post....sigh
I have had good luck (so far) putting two minis that are used to each other in one stall, but that was only for one overnight. I just tied them and watched while they ate their grain. I have seen other people use a stall guard type divider, but I don't think it would work for all minis. Schneiders sells them:

(links don't work since I bought my new computer!). I have seen people use these to separate a stall into a tack stall and a mini stall too. Very portable and easy to open anyway.
Go to Lowes and buy some chain link pipe railings. They are pretty cheap.

Then weld them into the frame you want.

We built a whole big horse hot walker that way.
Rather than use bungee cord - it may be a safer idea to use leather or PVC dog collars to fasten them, as bungee cords can cause some nasty injuries if the animals manage to rub on the hook of them.
the ones I make look like cattle pannel but are made of 1" pvc. 4x6ft all glued together. I dont have a pic sorry . If you are looking for the least expencive way to devide them at meal times only, one sheet of plywood should work but they will need to be tied in there stalls at meal times.DR.
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