Dog breeding questions

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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How old does a male have to be to breed?

How old are females normall when they start to cycle?
The answer to both questions can be as young as about 6 months...give or take a little. That said, a female should not be bred on her first heat cycle, unless she is VERY close to being a year old at the time she comes into heat. I like to wait until they are more mature at their second heat.
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I have never and would never do a female under two years old. They need time to mature. Males should be at least one prior to breeding. I had breed for 20+ years. IMHO if you do the female prior to two years of age you are asking for trouble. Males do come fertile at six months but their sexual maturity is closer to 12 months. Check with what ever registry they are in. I know for a fact that AKC frowns on early breeding. And if I came across a litter that the dam was bred too early I would never buy a pup from it.

Good luck

I am not looking to breed was just curious. Jack gets fixed THursday. I have not seen any signs of Mitzy cycleing ever and she is 9 months.
That's not too uncommon, Ashley. Some do not till they are a year. So, I wouldn't worry yet.

[SIZE=14pt]None of my corgis and now my doxie have been in heat by 3 months. Rose my daughters corgi was 13 months old on her first heat but was never bred till age 4. Tippy was 11 months the first time.... our miniature poodle was over 10 months and only came in once a year. A jack russell we had years ago also only ever had 1 heat a year. I think it really depends on the dog. They are all different.[/SIZE]

My Kelsey was born on 5/1/05 and has not come into heat yet. Ideally, she would have already been spayed but between things going on here (to where we couldn't keep her quiet) and our schedules, she is not getting spayed until 12/22. I pray she does not come into heat before then, only a couple weeks to go.
I am not going to fix MItzy yet. IM gonna let her grow up and see what/where she is in a few years. Jack on the other hand is getting fixed this week. I dont need no babies and he has a conformational fault that shouldnt be passed on anyway.
Breeding dogs depends on the size/breed of the dog. I would not have considered breeding from one of my Dobes before they were two years old,and they were usually not into their first season before ten months. On the other hand I would never have waited that long with my Shelties- juts over a year- normally on their second season, was the ideal time to breed them. A spaniel though??? She will come into season when she is good and ready, and do not think anything you can say will change her mind
One of my friends' had her first season at 18months, was bred on it and had a perfectly normal, healthy litter of four. She went on to breed three more litters, just fine. No hurrying a Spaniel, Ashley
My aussie female from my septmber 04 litter didn't have her first cycle untill august (11 months old). I was beginning to wonder if she'd ever have it! lol i wouldn't worry about it too much. I don't think i completely agree iwth never breeding before two..the REASON i think that is the standard is because OFA doesn't do permanent hip check ratings till then. but there are OFA prelims and Pennhip which can be done before that. Many breeders do infact breed their females at a 1.5 years with a prelim or Pennhip.

Remember the smaller the dog the earlier they probably are sexually mature! I've heard of Jackrussels sucessfully breeding at 6-7 months old!

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