dogs at large??(UPDATE)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Shelley, ID USA
A dog comes on to your property (after you have repetedly asked the owner to PLEASE keep the dog on thier property) and the dog starts chasing the livestock and it isnt the first time the dog has chased livestock ( livestock includes, Horses, cattle, goats ETC) what do you do???


The dog is nolonger around.... end of story FINALLY. thanks all for your support in my descision....
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Tie the dog up on your property and call Animal Control which will make the owner have to pay to get his dog back.
Since you know the owner, I'd call and tell them their dog is on my property at this moment; I am videotaping it chasing my livestock and if they don't come remove it NOW, we will have to shoot it to prevent damage or loss of our animals. I would give them a deadline of how fast I am talking about, so they know I mean business.

Alternative: if you know the dog at all and feel comfortable to do so, you could try to call it into your garage and confine it until the owner comes, and let them know this is the last time this can ever happen.
ok now that my puter isnt acting up...

I willl be the first to answer ( i hope that this is an OK disscussion here and that we can all be adults and not judge)

out here, we live 20 miles to town. to top that off, we are on the county line.... our AC (animal control) does not and will not come out this far... i have called them repeteadly. the cops tell you that if the dog is on ur property and you dont want it there.. you can shoot it and not get introuble for it. ok soooo this is the way i look at it... i dont care at ALL if a dog walks through my yard/ pasture no biggie.. as long as they dont chase ANYTHING. if i see them chasing the livestock, then i get the pellet gun out.. every time i see them chase my livestock they get binnged as a warning. i let the owners (if its not a stray dog or i know the owners) know that their dog has been chasing my livestock. until the animal actually succeeds in almost or harming the animal ( actually biting or cornering the animal) i only use the pellet gun. but when/if they get to close to hurting my livestock, that is when i have to make a choice.. shoot shovel and shutt up.. OR lose another animal ( yes this has happened 4 times now.. lost 3 goats and one goat survived with 4 broken ribs and a large puncture) there has been a dog in with my miniature horses too. i guess what im saying is.. if the dog is making me uncomfortable the way its treating my livestock, i do take care of it.. and iif ya all are wondering.. if it were my dog chasing or attacking, yes i would have to do the same.. i dont care if they are pooping on my property.. ETC... just dont bother my livestock KWIM??

Tie the dog up on your property and call Animal Control which will make the owner have to pay to get his dog back.

animal control wont come out here. we live 20 miles out of town and the pound wants 40$ to take a dog from out of the county

Since you know the owner, I'd call and tell them their dog is on my property at this moment; I am videotaping it chasing my livestock and if they don't come remove it NOW, we will have to shoot it to prevent damage or loss of our animals. I would give them a deadline of how fast I am talking about, so they know I mean business.

Alternative: if you know the dog at all and feel comfortable to do so, you could try to call it into your garage and confine it until the owner comes, and let them know this is the last time this can ever happen.

i have done just about that.. and they dont care.. their dog has killed 3 goats and injured my weanling mini colt... the police say the 3 s's are in turn.....
Personally, I'd give the owners of the dog a last warning that if I saw the dog chasing after my stock again that I'd be taking my own action with the dog since it's killed 3 goats and hurt your mini. So I'd listen to the cops and just go with the 3 S's if the dog was seen chasing my stock again. JMHO!
With the information you've provided.........since it's not the first time, the owners have been warned, you virtually have no dog control......etc...........I would be doing the 3 S's.

Once a dog has been a predator and been successful (tasted blood), popping it with a pellet gun isn't going to do a whole lot.

And yes, I am a dog lover......We own four. But I am also a realistic livestock owner.

Do you have a horse trailer?

If so coax the dogs into the horse trailer with dog treat or such and then Take them to the pound!

My neighbors had to do this with these nuisance dogs that were coming around and chasing their horses, this was before I got my horses..

They called the pound and asked and they said that was fine to bring them in since we live in the county...
Your being way to nice. If you have warned the owners numerous times, its time to shoot the dog and call the neighbor to come get the body. Maybe just maybe they'll be more careful with their next dog. I have zero tolerance for dogs running lose. They become a pack and can become very dangerous.

We have no leash law in our area, but we have called the sheriff a few times and he told us just shoot them. So thats what we will do to protect our livestock and us.
I agree with the 3 S's....... BUT........make sure of your livestock harassment laws first. I would hate for you o get in trouble, if the dogs owner made a stink. I know in most states, it IS legal to shoot a dog that is bothering livestock but double check first.
I'm sorry your in this position. I say the 3 S's, but if it were me I would fee guilty after. Can you take the dog to the pound?
I recently went thru this....the owners were notified several times, the last time he went thru the fence I shot "at" him, I did end up shooting him and it broke my heart, the owners were furious but thru it all I had the right to defend me and mine and thru it all I felt badly for the dog, stupid owners.
I would shoot it. Since we have moved there are several dogs that run loose out here. I dont know if they would go after the horses or not, but if they do I will not hesitate to shoot.
Shoot it. You have given the owners more than enough time to remedy the problem. Chasing leads to biting which leads to dead animals....

We've shot two dogs. The owners were warned.

I have dealt with this problem for years, final straw was when one killed my goat. Now I have Z E R O tollerance. Too bad for the dog as its the owners fault, not the dogs. You have called, you have asked, you have been nice. Time to fend for yourself. Here, we can kill any critter harming livestock, so long as they are on our property. If it comes to this, take pics and if you can , get verification of your calling sheriffs and the neighbors as they may decide that this was your fault and not theirs. or, you can sue them for damages. Here, we have no leash laws, dogs can roam and they can bark 24/7. However, if I complain to the owner that i do not want the dog on my property, it is their responsibility to keep them off. Yeah, like that works LOL Hope you get this resolved before it gets to the point it did here. Heather
I am very fortunate, we have a wonderful animal control in our county . They have been able to resolve every insident for me so far. Although none have been serious . I have to say that for me , having that first goat killed would have been enough to warrant drastic measures. I am a dog lover and would have a hard time shooting one so I would opt to catch or trap it and then take it on a nice trip to the pound and let them know that the dog is killing livestock , or if you don't want to deal with it again and don't mind spending a little money , take it to a vet and have it put to sleep yourself. Of course the 3 S's are the easiest way to deal with it, if you can.
You have already spoken with your neighbor --

Then Call your county Animal Control Officer --- and if no luck after that and they continue to bother your livestock - shoot them and dispose of the body.
You have already lost livestock, called the owners, called AC, called sheriff, get a bigger gun and a shovel and you will not see the dog again. No explaination needed! The dog could be anywhere, if running loose he could have been hit by a car for all you know.

I'm quite surprised to see how many of you have guns and will actually shoot them.

I don't think I could. It's the irresponsible dog owners

that should suffer for putting their dogs in a situation like this.

There is only one animal in this world I'd shoot if I could.

Good thing I don't have a gun.
Tie the dog up on your property and call Animal Control which will make the owner have to pay to get his dog back.
We did that last Spring. Except we called the owner to come and get his dogs so we could talk

about it before we took further action....and then we had an "incident" happen here a few days later while we were out of town. We can't prove it was them, but....

Be careful of neighbors...sometimes they can be more dangerous than their animals.

We did have another incident this summer with a different neighbor when their Doberman and

Great Dane decided it was great fun to bound out of the ditch onto our property and chase the cart, growling, while my husband was driving one of the mares! We talked to the people and told them we were not going to put up with that! The next time the dogs were on our property the police came and took pictures...the people received a visit from the police and animal control and received a big fine..and we haven't seen those two dogs since.

It's jailtime here if you shoot somebody's dog. Not that we would or could do that!

Good luck.

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I'm with Marty. I couldn't shoot an innocent animal...they only know what they have been allowed to do. But I would catch it and take it to the nearest shelter. Just me.

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