Dogs for children?

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Tangent time

I do dog rescue......why do I do dog rescue hmmmmm maybe because so many people want a dog/puppy or the dreamy notion and they do no research and they get the "you aren't ready for one" so they go to the want ad's or pet store and buy on a whim with no rersearch.......irritating as all get out..........

Lets assume these people are getting a dog come heck or high water....ok so how do we make this a positive?...lets help them choose a breed that is suitable or more suitable ....possibly creating another dog lover in the proccess....... I am sick and tired of trying to save all these purebred papered dogs that got too big, too hairy, too challenging, too wandering, too yappy, too hard to housebreak, the wrong freakin color.....I am sick to death of it.......... so in this case I say lets find a breed that is somewhat independent, doesn't mind outdoor life (many breeders keep dogs in kennel situations folks) and would be calm and gentle enough for smaller the proccess lets make this dog so wonderful that these people discover they enjoy the dog and want to be with it as much as possible......and for once in my life there is plan B right there......this is my perfect rescue placement........if plan A fails the dog doesn't lose.....

MIllions of dogs are put to sleep every year because they weren't what someone expected...labs are NOT the dog for everyone
: ........

done now crawling back in my hole under a rock...........
While I totally agree with you Runanuk i think this is not a situation for a rescue dog or a shelter dog in any way shape or form

I do think dogs do well outside given the right situation however, I dont think taking a dog you know little about, putting it outside and spending an hour or so if it is lucky a day with it is fair to a dog with young children in the house- I think in fact it is a bad thing waiting to happen not only to dog but to toddlers as well

but that is JMO
Not only do these people have a less than idea situation for getting a dog -- the kids are way too young. The parents should wait at least until the youngest child asks for one on his or her own volition.

However, assuming that these people are determined to get a dog, I think Billiethekid's "dogshare" suggestion is a great idea.

They could enjoy "owning" their dog on the weekends and learn responsibility in small doses under supervision. The dog would not be as likely to be taken for granted, but if it were, you would be there to end their pet privileges.

I would set up firm ground rules, such as the dog must be leashed when out of its fenced area....the kids should do as many of the pet-related chores as they can...the dogs area must also be people friendly so that the kids (and hopefully the parents) will actually spend time in there with her.
Something about those dogs kept by breeders in kennel situations... not only are they owned by people who usually know what they are doing... THOSE DOGS ARE AROUND OTHER DOGS. Those dogs are not kept alone, secluded by themselves away from their family by an ignorant couple who likes the idea of having a Lassie or a RinTinTin for little Jonny and Susie but don't want the responsibility. I wonder... what breed or mix could possibly be right in this situation?!
I was not suggesting a rescue unless it was the right young dog needing re homing.....I was suggesting a positive rather than negative approach

and the mood I am in is "bite me"

I am sick of all these people who come on here and moan because rescues won't deal with them and then 1/2 the same people come on and say how so and such shouldn't have a dog.......

I am done oh so done......I will continue to clean up the messes but if someone wants real info talk to me off this list...and be prepared to be asked alot of questions...this doesn't mean I am judging I am trying to find the best animal for the situation and possibly a way to save a life...of course as PETA says death is better than a home judged unworthy(which would be 99% of the people on here)
Rori :aktion033: and you really need to get your butt back to WA, ID is making you cranky :bgrin
"...and you really need to get your butt back to WA, ID is making you cranky"

*snicker* Ohhh, so is THAT what it is!

Oh boy... hope you know I'm only teasing... :new_shocked:
I think you misunderstand my opinion.. bottom line is the safety of 2 young children has to be considered as well as a mom who has 2 kids and one of them was a very active toddler I know how much time and energy went into making sure the dogs and her were ok, bonded and looking out for eachother

but your right everyone will do what they want to anyway , and there will always be those who agree and disagree
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Rori you are one person that I always gotta love............

I'm still thinking cats.

Now maybe goats???????

Ahhhhh Goldfish.
ooooo Marty, I like the idea of a little fish tank.
: The kids will love watching the fish and if the parents don't have time to take care of a tank they certainly don't need a puppy.

I didn't let my kids have pets until they could prove to me that they could keep a plant alive. Some adults who say they want a pet probably need the same test

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