Thank you to all that replied. I've been reading every comment on here. Some, I wasn't too sure, I could even try, as ones, like the air horn, would possibly freak Halo out. I don't know. We haven't walked the road again since. I've been looking and we can still walk it some, and just not get to that house, turn around before, then go back and pass the driveway, where I board, on the other side a bit, so she will still get some time, walking on the road. I also, even though it can be a tiny bit tight, I did lunge her, in her paddock, and got her some exercise that way. We will always have things to work on with her. I just need to get creative. Someday, I want my own place where we can have her with us, and when that time comes, I will know what to look for in some property. Halo is very special to me. She is my "therapy". She brings so much joy and peace to my heart, that I would never, ever put her in harms way, on purpose. I know there is no 100% way to keep them safe, but I will do anything in my power to. My husband, who wasn't the one who has wanted a horse his whole life, and wasn't sure, when I said I wanted a mini, but told me to get one, if that would make me happy, has fallen head over heels for her, and I know, he will protect her too. I won't walk any part of that road without him with us. Not even the parts that I feel are safe, because you just never know. I like the ski pole idea or wasp spray, of something for him to carry, and may look into that. I don't want to cause any issue, between the BO and her neighbors. So, if we can get around from even going near the house, I think that is best. I saw the man, with the dogs, the other day, walking them down the road, with two girls with him. I was driving by and I smiled at him...all I got back was a scowl. So, I doubt befriending him would even happen, but if my husband and I have the chance, we will. Thank you again. I really like how this board comes together, to try and help others. You guys and gals are great!