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Apr 20, 2005
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Southwest Oklahoma
There is discussion about what to do about scary dogs when we are driving or walking our horses. The suggestion to use pepper spray is not a good idea. I have a bad neighbor whose dog rushes out of his yard and threatens me in the roadway. The last time I walked on that road--no horse, thank goodness--I decided to try the pepper spray. Big mistake. He merely shook his head, retreated for a few seconds, and then he really came after me. I was backing up down the road yelling for him to go home and he got more ferocious. I didn't have my phone with me or I would have called my husband to come and rescue me. Finally someone came out of the house and I yelled for him to call his dog. The guy got into his pickup and drove to where the dog had me at bay. The dog was four inches from my legs, froth on his mouth, and barking like mad. The guy casually asked "Is he bothering you?" He called off the dog, and and the dog got into the pickup. I told the guy if he harrassed me again I was going to shoot him. The guy said "you'd better not". I told him I had a right to walk down a public road and I had given him fair warning. He said "I understand".
Pepper had run for home by this time. I continued my walk but made a different loop as I did not want to walk by that house again.
So today I went to the sheriff's office and told them about it. I did not file a report, I just wanted them to know what was going on in case something went bad.
The deputy drove out and told the owner that if there was another complaint, the dog would be taken into custody for "evaluation". Whew. I hate to be on the outs with a neighbor, but why shouldn't I be able to walk down a country road? Some people think because they live in the country they can let their dogs be unrestrained.
I think the pepper spray was a very bad idea. That dog will never forget, and I probably made him a meaner, more territorial dog than ever. My son told me this might happen, as he had experience while biking.
Interesting, my mom had to nail a dog with pepper spray because it rushed her suddenly and put a hole in her shorts and undies(luckily that was the only damage). This dog retreated hurriedly when it got hit with said spray, the owner wasn't happy because their kid got a dose from the dog. The dog was picked up next day because evidently it had done the same with someone else either later in the day or next morning and they called the cops.

Honestly though, I carry pepper spray more so I have a non-lethal deterrent for people rather than animals. If I had an pony(or any animal) with me I'd be afraid I'd accidently get them as well since it's often windy around me. Heck I'd be afraid I'd get me as well and I don't react super strongly to the stuff although it's still not fun.......

You are nice, if I was in fear of my life from a dog I'd shoot first and deal with the aftermath especially if it's chasing me down a public road frothing and foaming. My sister was attacked by a dog and that one knew her and was merely over excited by the situation we were in and not defending territory.
I worry about dogs when I walk my minis. I always have carried pepper spray. I also worry about the overspray. This year I learned about and bought, pepper gel, which is said not to have an overspray. Thankfully, I have not had an incident, so I can't say how well it works. I do know the pepper spray can make some dogs more aggressive. I've had to use it with my past job. This month I started carrying my telescoping training flag. It fits pretty good in the back my pocket. I'm thinking an extended arm might help if needed.

@Marsha Cassada I am glad you and Pepper were ok. It's hard to believe the dog was so close and the owner was so non chalant
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I worry about dogs when I walk my minis. I always have carried pepper spray. I also worry about the overspray. This year I learned about and bought, pepper gel, which is said not to have an overspray. Thankfully, I have not had an incident, so I can't say how well it works. I do know the pepper spray can make some dogs more aggressive. I've had to use it with my past job. This month I started carrying my telescoping training flag. It fits pretty good in the back my pocket. I'm thinking an extended arm might help if needed.
a catch pole that could be collapsed when not locked into position might be nice. Your mention of the telescoping flag made me think of it.

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