It was always said that mares in general tend to foal between midnight and 3am (dont know who did the original survey to come up with these times!) and I do find that a lot of mine foal in the 2am - 4am gap. However I have also had a couple of mares who have foaled during the daytime hours.
Even more 'worrying' are those established brood mares who insist on leaving out any signs of the start of labour and in the middle of munching on their hay, simply lay down and start pushing, not even giving one the time (if watching on an indoor camera) to grab one's coat and boots and run the 50 yards to the barn!! These speedy foalers are great in one way, but they dont leave you any time to re-position the coming foal should it be necessary.
Then there are the 'sneaky' ones who know full well that you will eventually have to go for a visit to the loo or have to make a dash for a cuppa before you perish from dehydration and ooooop's, you return to the camera or the barn five minutes later to find that there are suddenly 8 legs in the stable instead of the expected 4 LOL!!
Mares - dont you just love them!
Even more 'worrying' are those established brood mares who insist on leaving out any signs of the start of labour and in the middle of munching on their hay, simply lay down and start pushing, not even giving one the time (if watching on an indoor camera) to grab one's coat and boots and run the 50 yards to the barn!! These speedy foalers are great in one way, but they dont leave you any time to re-position the coming foal should it be necessary.
Then there are the 'sneaky' ones who know full well that you will eventually have to go for a visit to the loo or have to make a dash for a cuppa before you perish from dehydration and ooooop's, you return to the camera or the barn five minutes later to find that there are suddenly 8 legs in the stable instead of the expected 4 LOL!!
Mares - dont you just love them!