Don't Eat Your Dog: The Surprising Moral Case for Free Enterprise

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Aspiring Cowgirl
Nov 30, 2002
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Spotsy., VA (USA)
I watched this video this morning and WOW! What a well thought out way to make some very important points. It's never been more important to understand -- and uphold -- free enterprise.

Government keeps growing -- and freedom keeps shrinking -- because we fail to make the moral case for free enterprise. Based on his best-selling book "The Road to Freedom," AEI President Arthur C. Brooks explains how we can win the fight for free enterprise by articulating what's written on our hearts. "We have to see that we're not in an economic battle for the future of America," Arthur says. "We're in a moral battle."
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After 25 years in the trenches what has become apparent to me is that the problem doesn't so much lay with articulation but rather, the suppression and rejection of said articulation. Especially when the articulation encourages the cessation of compromise with evil. Those who intimately understand the end game of compromise are suppressed and rejected the most.
Well at least this time it wasn't the oft complained about "tome". Rather it was short, sweet and very much to the point. As I am unable to watch video, I picked up on the word "articulate". In my previous attempts to "articulate" the real problem(s) and watching the general flow of conversation since then, it was apparent that much of my "articulation" was rejected. In this I find common ground with my fellow articulators including R.P. In his case, he was not only rejected but also most cruelly suppressed, again. Articulation therefore is not the problem, but rather preconceived notions not based in fact, reality brotherly love and unity. In other words, many prefer the lie and will do everything to maintain the lie as reality. That is what saddens me the most. Again both "sides" do this and by doing so have no hope of gaining unity of purpose.

However, a dear gentleman whom I've been telling about the banking situation for several years wrote me a note the other day that made my heart soar. He had rejected this truth for many years. However he also is intellectually honest and revealed to me about a year ago that he thought that the main problem was the money. While I was doing mental backflips in my mind in absolute joy at this revelation on his part I maintained a cool outer composure and managed to say "Yeah, I think you are correct." However this was only step one on his journey and I knew from past encounters that it was a journey he had to make for himself. Fast forward to yesterday when he forwarded a well written piece on the LIBOR banking scandal that is set to explode any time now, and lil timmy giethners role in it. He only wrote one line to me but it is treasured. He stated that" I'm beginning to understand and share your hatred for the bankers." Now he still has a way to go in his understanding, but if his history with me is any indication, he will quickly come up to speed and know the problem at its very root. While the article referred to the bankers in London, it failed to "articulate" the true root. For it is a small section of London called the "city" that is the specific problem. You see, the "city" is one of two "sovereign nations" that very few people know about. It is from the "city" that banking orders are sent out to all the central banks of the world. These orders are always followed to the letter. It is these filthy vermin that are the slave masters for the world. They are the top level managers and as previously stated, they are the owners of the debt of the world. And I will remind you that he who owns the debt, owns everything. The foregoing "articulation" is what seems to be rejected and refused in favor of mostly inane banter and disagreement or arguments that don't get remotely close to the root problems. Again attention to the surface and unimportant issue's serves the purpose of preventing education to the root problem and its fix. It also serves the purposeful purpose of getting you (collectively speaking ) to compromise with evil. Those of us who refuse to compromise anymore seem to be the ones whose articulation is suppressed and rejected. I've had a question of late surrounding the Hegelian induced programed statement regarding Romney. Now I know that I'm just supposed to march with the herd and not think deeply about things, but I simply cannot divorce myself from rational thought. I am told that I must vote for Romney and that while "it isn't our first choice, he's better than Obama" When I ask how he is better, much metal running in circles takes place but nothing resembling a coherent answer is forthcoming, and certainly nothing approaching a rational one. What I do hear is the Farce Larceny and rushie types tell me that "Well we're just gonna have to hold his feet to the fire". Really? Are we hiring a teenager and this is his first job he has ever had? Is his work ethic so known and bad that we are going to have to micro manage him to MAKE him do the right thing? REALLY? Gosh I was under the mistaken (evidently) impression that we were hiring a President who was going to uphold and defend the Constitution against ALL enemies. Now the prerequisite would of necessity be that he like, oh I dunno, actually know and understand the SINGULAR meaning of the document. I mean good lord If I can and do so, shouldn't he be able to? And possibly do so without having his "feet forcibly held to the fire?" The illogic on parade is breathtaking and I've written far more than I intended to. We certainly don't want another 3 page missive. My apologies please replace your fingers and start the la la la chant again.

Miss Mary Lou, this is not directed to you as I suspect you understood where I was coming from. I must shed (again) my angst and focus on my beautiful family, all of the beautiful folk here and elsewhere in my life and be very grateful that my business allows me to do what I truly love, which is working with and helping animals. I tend to understand them so much better anyway.

I hope that all yall have a great weekend and can get out for a drive.

Scritches to all your criiters from me,


Graham Carriage Works
ML, I thought you of all people might like it as a business owner.

Bob, I hope you don't have to write much client or customer correspondence!
I really don't know, ML, because I thought it was a really good video and I enjoyed it a lot mostly because I thought the presentation was outstanding.

Thanks, Sonya! I thought so, too
The problem I see with the video is it is about global free enterprize. That can't happen no matter how much anybody wants it to. many countries are controled by dictators and don't care about human rights. Our global economy will eventually lower our standard of living for most americans. Things make someday equal out, but not in the way any of us want. Most of the so called developing countries will try to remain as developing countries so they may reap the benefits at our expense. If you notice, the price of things such as property and food is about the same worldwide. It is just that in some countries fewer people can afford it. We will never be able to compete with that unless we are willing to accept living like the people live in those countries. most of those countries don't have a middle class. They have the very rich and they have poverty.

We built this country from within and made it great. We seem to no longer have that option.

The video talks about morals. What has happened to our morals now. I thought we have come a long way from the time of slave labor. Why then do we support it by allowing these products in our country? We may not be able to see it first hand, but we all know it exists.

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