Obama -- Recap Of His First Bit of Time In Office

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Back on topic? That's a great idea!!!


[SIZE=12pt]Got this email, and felt like I'd share since I couldn't have said it better myself!!! ... other than to maybe also mention the tacky gift basket of DVD's he gave to the British Prime Minister[/SIZE]


So, Let's Recap--

1. The American people elect a president with a total of 142 days experience as a US Senator from the most politically corrupt state in America whose governor is ousted from office. The President's first official act is to order the close of Gitmo and make sure terrorists civil rights are not violated.

(He screwed up!!)

2. The U.S. Congress rushes to confirm Attorney General, Eric Holder, whose law firm we later find out represents seventeen Gitmo Terrorists.

(An honest mistake!)

3. The CIA Boss appointee, Leon Panetta has absolutely no experience, has a daughter Linda we find out, who is a true radical anti-American activist and a supporter of all the Anti-American regimes in the western hemisphere.

(There were socio-economic factors involved!)

4. We got the most corrupt female in America as Secretary of State; bought and paid for.

(You can put lipstick on a pig, but it will still have cankles!)

5. We got a Tax Cheat for Treasury Secretary who files his own taxes.

(He misspoke!)

6. A Commerce Secretary nominee who withdrew due to corruption charges.

(Another honest mistake???)

7. A Tax cheat nominee for Chief Performance Officer who withdrew under charges.

(Hmmm... another screw-up?)

8. A Labor Sec'y nominee who withdrew under charges of unethical conduct.

(OK, maybe this person was just plain stupid)

9. A Sec'y HHS nominee who withdrew under charges of cheating on his taxes.

(I'm running out of excuses for these idiots!!)

10. Multiple appointments of former lobbyists after an absolute campaign statement that no lobbyists would be appointed.

( I'm starting to twitch!) )

And that's just the first three weeks. . but who's counting?

America is being run by the modern-day Three Stooges ~ Barrack, Nancy , and Harry ~ and they are still trying to define stimulus..."it's spending"...

The congress passes the $800,000,000,000 (that's $800 billion) pork loaded spending bill where the government gives you a smidgen of your tax dollars ($13 per week) making you feel so good about yourself [stimulated] that you want to run out to Wal-Mart and buy a new Chinese-made HDTV and go home and watch Telemundo!

Yee-haw!!! Only in America , what a country...

We are lost... Don't you just love this guy?

In these times

"I'll keep my God, my freedom, my gun, and my money.

You can keep "THE CHANGE".

Way to totally avoid my question. Since you don't have an answer, I'm going to assume that Obama has done nothing to deserve impeachment beyond being someone you and your friends disagree with.
Oh, I guess you didn't read what I actually said very carefully. There are some people who think Obama will, in time, be impeached. I think it's a fascinating topic. and the "friend" you refer to would be one of my employees (who is a very smart lady, I might add). I don't know if Obama will be impeached, but given the caliber of person I feel Obama truly is, it's not beyond the realm of possibility. How's that?

PS the OP, reposted above, actually illustrates some issues that could lead to a less than 4 year term for Obama... he sure is off to an unimpressive start (unless you count the red carpet inauguration that is).
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"who is a very smart lady, I might add"

In whose opinion..?????????????
Well, she's been one of my assistants for 5 years and I was the one who was "talking"...

So it's obviously my opinion, but it would not be one that is mine exclusively
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And since you can't tell me what exactly on that list could even lead to talk of impeachment, I'm going to assume you're not expert on the subject either.
I don't know if he will be impeached, but given the caliber of person I feel Obama truly is, it's not beyond the realm of possiblity. How's that?
It's not the answer to the question... but merely a flip reply designed to keep fanning the flames and stirring the pot.

I have been reading over at an extreme right-wing political blog forum this evening that a friend suggested I check out - as I would be stunned. I was - and it saddens/sickens me. The intense desire for a new President to fail - with no care or thought as to the consequences that would affect the country... and one horrifying post summed up where a lot of the rhetoric from those extremists wants to go. I will not provide the link as this kind of crap does not deserve to get any extra hits to benefit their advertisers on that blog page.

One poster opined that they had the only solution possible. Three words. Locked and loaded. Many posts followed to LOL and applaud that comment.


And with that, I am no longer going to take the bait or let my pot get stirred. I like political discussions that go back and forth and examine the issues and seek alternatives... we can all learn from each other that way and it makes for interesting conversation ....but that is not what is happening here on a couple of threads lately. There is little desire to actually discuss anything and weigh the pros and cons and look for other answers - but there is a lot of intent to sneer and condemn and wallow in rhetoric and vague accusations. And that does not a discussion make.

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tagalong said:
have been reading over at an extreme right-wing political blog forum... this evening that a friend suggested I check out - as I would be stunned. I was - and it saddens/sickens me. The intense desire for a new President to fail...
One poster opined that they had the only solution possible. Three words. Locked and loaded. Many posts followed to LOL and applaud that comment.
Tag and Low, you are expecting me to defend an opinion (Obama may in time be impeached) when I've already explained it's not necessarily my own opinion, just one that interests me.

Tag, I'm sorry you hang out on or spend time with those kinds of blogs where people fantasize about assassinating the President. I'm also sorry that you would bring up such a thing on my thread. Surely no one here would think those particular feelings are akin to my own.

Anyway, have a good night sleep.
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PS the OP, reposted above, actually illustrates some issues that could lead to a less than 4 year term for Obama... he sure is off to an unimpressive start (unless you count the red carpet inauguration that is).
If you bring an opinion to an argument, you must be prepared to explain and defend it. Something I picked up in college. I'm curious as to WHY you find that so interesting, since there's apparently no evidence to support it. You stated in the post I quoted that you think there are some 'issues' that could lead to 'less than a 4 year term'. All I'm asking for is clarification. I see nothing impeachable on that list. If you have some insight into PoliSci or the legal proceedings of impeachment that I don't then please, share.
(Actually, I can bring an outside opinion, prefaced as it was, into a discussion, just as I did, and not be obligated to personally defend it as my own opinion.)

[SIZE=10pt]Back to the OP, which of the items on the list makes you feel the most proud, Lowrise?[/SIZE]
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Except that when you say there are things on that list that might lead to impeachment, that becomes your opinion. When you fail to follow that up with factual information...

As far as the list, the tone of the entire e-mail is terribly disappointing to me. But since you asked:

The number of people who withdrew their nominations over the bad things that were discovered is something that made me happy. I'm not pleased with Geithner being where he is, but I'm otherwise happy with the folks who did end up in his Cabinet.

Item #1 was the best thing on the list, though. I hoped from day one we'd see Gitmo closed and the prisoners put through due process.

Other things Obama has done that have made me happy/proud/other good feelings but were unlisted:

Lifting the stem cell research ban

A renewed effort in using diplomacy

The shift of our military efforts in the Middle East from Iraq to Afghanistan

Working toward abolishing the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy

A clear interest in funding and improving education nationwide
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I hate myself for answering - but this is the last time. The last stir.

Tag and Low, you are expecting me to defend an opinion (Obama may in time be impeached) when I've already explained it's not necessarily my own opinion, just one that interests me.
We just asked why you had that opinion. That's all. Facts. Or thoughts. Or actual concerns. Beyond the vague "caliber of person I know he is". You don't know that. I don't know that.
Yet you seem somewhat confident in/pleased with the impeachment fantasy. Ergo - you must have some kind of an idea as to how that would happen...

Tag, I'm sorry you hang out on or spend time with those kinds of blogs where people fantasize about assassinating the President. I'm also sorry that you would bring up such a thing on my thread. Surely no one here would think those particular feelings are akin to my own.
Jill - it is important to me to look at all the parts of the puzzle. All the colours of the spectrum. I have told you that many times before - when you have stated that you watch only Fox News. I look at ALL the angles and never just listen to one tune or watch one channel. I don't "hang out'' there - thanks for even suggesting that I would - I followed a warning link there tonight to check it out. That blog is representative of a disturbing element that takes the NOPE rhetoric and those bumper sticker slogans to extremes. And despite my friend's warning - my blood ran cold when I read that. Some of the replies to those three words hailed Rush for spreading the Word. HUH? You cannot wear blinders and pretend that those types are not out there. I suspect that the hits will go up tonight due to the link quietly being passed around - and some of those not-so-brave "real Americans" (as they call themselves) will scramble to get their flammable posts edited.

And before I do toddle off to bed for a few hours - I need to go find something to bleach all thoughts and memories of that blog forum from my brain...

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Which of the 10 "items" on the list did you say you like the most? I'm all ears.

Some of the things on the list, in my opinion, point to poor judgment, lack of insight, and inadequate leadership abilities -- any one of which can lead towards a path that could result in less than four years.
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Which of the 10 "items" on the list did you say you like the most? I'm all ears.
Some of the things on the list, in my opinion, point to poor judgment, lack of insight, and inadequate leadership abilities -- any one of which can lead towards a path that could result in less than four years.

Tag, sleep well. It's going to be time for your to start a new day before long.

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Some of the things on the list, in my opinion, point to poor judgment, lack of insight, and inadequate leadership abilities -- any one of which can lead towards a path that could result in less than four years.
I think that's a pretty far stretch to start crying impeachment over. I mean, Bush was guilty of a lot of the same things and he got to serve two terms, right? Really, show me a single president in our history who wasn't at one point guilty of those things. With the possible exception of George Washington and JFK, all of our presidents have been human. Humans do make mistakes and misjudgments. They usually aren't worth getting kicked out of office.
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LowriseMinis said:
With the possible exception of George Washington and JFK, all of our presidents have been human. Humans do make mistakes and misjudgments. They usually aren't worth getting kicked out of office.
True but as you say, it's only been 60 days. I cannot say I like the ring of "President Biden", though...


PS I do think JFK and George Washington were in fact human. JFK was notoriously quite human.
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