Dont know how to describe it...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2012
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for the past 2 weeks, Jazzy has been scratching his butt on everything and anything he can find, including me. I lifted his tail and there was some crusted feces under his, well, ill try to sound professional, anus. Also it looks like he rubbed some of his anus skin raw! I dont know, should i just clean it and call it a day, or be really concerened about it? Ive heard of horrible cases of the area being infected and if not treated right, pretty much exploded! of course im probably freaking out over nothing. I dont know alot about the equine medical field obviously, so im always fearing the worst!! What should i do??? I would post a picture but i dont know how! Never mind, im going to check on the practice board, maybe i can figure it out there...okay i did i posted a picture!
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Clean his sheath and see if he had bug bites on the outside of his sheath or between his hind legs. That is most likely where his problem is. It isn't uncommon to have some crud accumulate under his tail, as you describe-- but the raw skin on his anus is probably due to the rubbing he has been doing--rubbing he is doing in an effort to scratch his underparts. If he had a low shrub that he could straddle you would likely see him straddling it and rubbing back and forth--most times horses don't have something they can scratch on that way do they make do by rubbing their butts, ineffective though it is.

Ok just took this. I can see that there is some kind of red dried up stuff on it, and the pink parts you see have only been recently and they are raw. Also, the bottom of hiis tail is peeling if you can see at the top of the pic. I dont think it has anything to do with my problem, but just noticed that :/

I sound like an idiot, but his sheath is his, man part correct?
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shalakom.s.h., don't worry about sounding like an idiot, if you don't ask how else are you to learn? You look more foolish to treat the wrong area now wouldn't you ;).

yes his sheath is the loose skin around his "man part" . Often it gets pretty bug chewed and they just can't reach to scratch so they go a bit crazy rubbing the next nearest thing. Since that doesn't help the itch they just rub and rub if it itches badly. Also it is possible his sheath needs cleaning and that can make them rub as well. Try to have a look at his belly, sheath and between his legs for bites or run your hand under and see if you can feel any bites. If he's itchy he might like a tummy scratch while you're there.
If he needs cleaning (inside his sheath) there is a ton of info on the web about how to go about that or call your vet for some over the phone directions. I have owned geldings for many years and IMO cleaning regularly isn't a requirement but occasionally they do get cruddy.
Okay! I will have a look and print some things up and put it in my "must know" binder! And, yes, id rather clean the right thing than the wrong thingh haha ;D thank yall!

I just called someone and she said to worm him, so i am!!! No bug bites either...
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Vetericyn spray might help the skin heal. It works well on wounds of all kinds.

I like to keep sheath cleaner in my grooming supplies because it is fantastic for cleaning between the udders of the mares as well as its original use. Excalibur is the one I buy. I order it online from Jeffers. I did not know what it was the first time I saw it for sale so don't feel silly.

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