25 minutes ground driving Cappy.
Nice drive! Always interesting to work with natural obstacles while out and about.Have been out “grandparenting” in the Twin Cities so enjoyed reading your posts on my phone while hubby stayed home to feed everyone and hold down the fort.
One outing with DD: October 11. Ground driving - 40 minute.
Our neighbor harvested the soybeans he planted in one of our fields, so DD and I went off road.The furrows were so flat and straight, beautifully marked with the stubble, so we worked up the furrows using them as markers for lane changes.
Sounds like a good vacation but sorry you had Covid. I sure hope you are feeling better. Getting some mini time in should helpHours are all caught up. I spent a week in Europe with my mom and then came home with Covid (I'm amazed that's all I got being in crowded metro rail cars for a week) so I haven't been taking advantage of our nice fall weather. Sadly it's about to turn nasty and cold for us. But it's fun to keep up with everyone's driving adventures. Drive on my friends!
He might of been telling you how he felt about the new feeding routine LOLI planned to drive Billy in the sulky but he was obviously not going to cooperate. So we ground drove. He kicked up his heels, half-reared, trotted in place almost the whole way like a Lippazan. I was worn out. I think it was about 30 minutes but it felt like a lot more.