Nothing. I have not driven in over a week, I think! I had such a busy weekend. Friday, we did a parade with our littles for the county. Sunday I ran the horse show. It was great although the weekend was so busy for horse people all over the province. There were 2 other open shows the same day, plus a driving show in the county, a big dressage show not far away and who knows what else! Regardless, I had 10 entries in my little show. We were paying the judges anyways, so we might as well have some fun. Ali took her warmblood mare and did almost every class they were eligible for. They came out junior high point champions for the day.
My best moment was the hobby horse mini show at noon. I was so hoping there would be interest in it. I had this beautiful, enthusiastic but shy young lady come up with her home-made pool noodle hobby horse, Bubbles. Took my whole heart! Definitely a serious hobby horser! She is exactly who I was hoping would come to participate. I was just thrilled to see her there.
We even had 2 teens join in, one on a shovel and another with a broom. I think we had 8 altogether. My mom judged it. I don't know who had more fun, the audience, the participants or my mom. In the end, only one of my 6 classes was actually "placed" the other 5 classes were wiped with first places. And I don't mind at all! We had top 3 placing ribbons plus participation ribbons so everyone went home with placings. And I had loads of little prizes donated. Books, and little mini puzzle games and tiny stuffed animals but the biggest hit was chocolate bars and mini rubber ducks!
I had kids for hobby horse and regular horse show come up to me at the end of the day and tell me how much they're looking forward to coming back to it next year. That filled my heart!
Now, the next 4 weekends are for driving!

And yes, Ali had her name tag on her forehead...
My best moment was the hobby horse mini show at noon. I was so hoping there would be interest in it. I had this beautiful, enthusiastic but shy young lady come up with her home-made pool noodle hobby horse, Bubbles. Took my whole heart! Definitely a serious hobby horser! She is exactly who I was hoping would come to participate. I was just thrilled to see her there.
We even had 2 teens join in, one on a shovel and another with a broom. I think we had 8 altogether. My mom judged it. I don't know who had more fun, the audience, the participants or my mom. In the end, only one of my 6 classes was actually "placed" the other 5 classes were wiped with first places. And I don't mind at all! We had top 3 placing ribbons plus participation ribbons so everyone went home with placings. And I had loads of little prizes donated. Books, and little mini puzzle games and tiny stuffed animals but the biggest hit was chocolate bars and mini rubber ducks!
I had kids for hobby horse and regular horse show come up to me at the end of the day and tell me how much they're looking forward to coming back to it next year. That filled my heart!
Now, the next 4 weekends are for driving!

And yes, Ali had her name tag on her forehead...