dwarf for sale

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Franklin, I didnt take your post as clique-ish but just asking questions as to why some things are the way they are....

Remember all, it is very hard, when reading script on here, to 'assume' what the person means or is asking. This is probably one of the hardest forms of communication. You cannot hear tone of voice, see body language, and you could probably have ten people read the same paragraph and they are all going to get something different out of it or take it differently.
I understand your concern.

There was an ad not too long ago here in the Maritimes, in which a dwarf was for sale...as having "herd-downsizing stallion potential".

That is so sad...as some poor person who knows nothing about the breed, or dwarfism, has probably bought him to breed with. (He did sell, within days of my seeing the ad) Were he an AMHA horse, he would never have gotten papers. BUT, as he was AMHR, there is nothing to stop disreputable or ignorant breeders/sellers for registering dwarves. I do wish that I could have stopped that ad, or somehow let people know what he was... When I mentioned it to a friend of mine who had already spoken to the sellers about him being a dwarf, she said she was told to mind her own business. They KNEW what he was, and yet sold him as a stallion.

I do not mind seeing a dwarf for sale, as a gelding, or spayed mare, or even an un-spayed mare...IF the sellers are honest, and tell the potential buyers just what is up. Please, do not be under-handed and take a part in ruining this most wonderful breed.

This, for me, is a "Soap-box" subject...
Sue C That mini, I emailed the owner, and pretty well said its sad that she was advertising him as such, and I also informed a close friend of the buyer. The owner (whom was the one who so thoroughly abused my horses....) wrote back that she was going to charge me with defamation of character. I had proof via her emails and pictures as well as records from the SPCA that the way she treated my animals, was fact. Also the false statement she made when she pressed charges against me, that were dropped.

The funny thing is that she then went on to tell the new owner of that dwarf mini, that I only told her all about the dwarfism and recommended that the buyer, being new to horses altogether NOT buy him, because I was trying to buy him and couldnt. The only libel or defamation of character (which means telling things that are NOT true, to put someone in bad light) was from HER about me.

Oh well.......

I would also like to say, I really dont have much of a problem with selling Dwarf's but I think they require a special home and as such, the seller should either educate the prospective buyers, BEFORE they fall in love (ie have signs up about dwarfs if displaying in public places to inform the public) or not sell to unsuitable buyers, as we should not sell ANY horse, or mini to unsuitable buyers.

Selling a dwarf to a first time horse owner with kids that will fall in love with it, IMHO is poor taste.
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I would also like to say, I really dont have much of a problem with selling Dwarf's but I think they require a special home and as such, the seller should either educate the prospective buyers, BEFORE they fall in love (ie have signs up about dwarfs if displaying in public places to inform the public) or not sell to unsuitable buyers, as we should not sell ANY horse, or mini to unsuitable buyers.
Selling a dwarf to a first time horse owner with kids that will fall in love with it, IMHO is poor taste.
My sentiments...exactly. It isn't the selling that bothers me. It is the selling of them to unsuspecting folks who have no idea of what the are buying, and go on to breed them; or at the very least, having no idea of the health issues and costs that can arise.
Im glad someone else is taking the heat instead of me this time ....

I hate to see people down talk dwarves. Yes they need allot of medical attention and all that but they are still horses. They diserve a home as well as a national show mini with 10 grand champion ribbons. They just need the right home, which im sure you have ...but there medical bills im guessing do run high.

This reminds me of Leo, the dwarf on CMHR page. I really liked him, but i dont know how to care for a dwarf even after researching it for days on the web. Sure, i had the money, space, time and all that for him ..but i just didnt have the knowlege for him.

Sometimes things just work out by themselves ...everything happens for a reason.

I ran across an ad for a cute dwarf mini for sale on a local website. I am concerned this little guy will end up in the wrong hands, and we all know he may be special needs. I am afraid someone might buy him for a novelty.
What would you do?

thanks for your input.
It is great that you have such concern for this mini, so why don't you call the owner and find out directly from them what is going on. Are they knowledgable about dwarves, are the misrepresenting he/she, what type of home are they looking for, etc. You can point them to the numerous websites that do have info about dwarves - if they're interested in more info and assistance.

Everything else is just guesswork on your part at this point as to why they're selling, or who the potential buyer may be.

We've adopted out two dwarves that came here with a group I was horse-sitting. Both were given away to good homes with the understanding of the care that would be needed, etc. Both are still doing well four years later. I couldn't sell a dwarf, but I also don't offer for sale any 'special case' mini. When I meet the right home, we work things out then - with a contract - stating the mini comes back to me should there be any need what-so-ever!

Please don't run away, or assume popularity means squat to many of us on the Forum. Everyone's opinion is valued, and I personally would rather hear a broad range of opinions and ideas, from a variety people, than the few loudest or most prolific. Everyone has knowledge that can be shared, and only open, honest exchange of ideas and information can make that possible.
I just wanted to add that while many people do realize all the side affents of dwarfism ...somestill dont.

I've noticed that people who raise mini's do seem to know about it. Most people, like many on this forum, know about it. But i'm sure there are still a good amount of people who dont. I would contact them about it ...better safe then sorry.

But if these people are a mini breeding family and have allot of expirence with minis ...im guessing they know about it already.


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