Sorry for no updates Aunties, I'm at work and had to figure out my forum password to sign in
I think all is going good it took from 9pm last night till 6am to get this little guy even trying in the right spot to nurse he sucked every part of her body 1,000 times except the right spot
I spent the night syringeing milk and watching from in the barn. After working all day I'm ready for an early go to bed tonight
Art is home and keeping an eye. Coco has been a great and patient maiden mare she even picks her leg up to try to let him reach easier
He is either bay or a smutty buckskin like his dad. I'll have to see better when I get home. Very nice long legs.
I had looked at her in the stall after we ate. Then watched "The Voice"
walked back to the computer and put the software up to check her and she was laying down and out of the corner of the stall I see a nose pop in and out of the camera view
thought what was that then I saw it again. The baby was up walking around and almost dry. Coco had already passed the placenta.
What a surprise this maiden was. She was only at 298 days never had one go that early.
You know how bad I am with pics but I'll try to get some quick it's raining here today