Well-Known Member
Congrats! He's so cute. can't wait to see more pics as he grows.
Not a horse, but I almost learned this the hard way today. Shayne had told me about a snotty cow (protective of her calf to the extreme), but I forgot as I was helping him with a different cow that had just taken out a panel on the way into the barn to calve. A calf walked toward me, and the cow came unglued; bellowed loudly, shook her head, snorted, rushed the fence, luckily I could climb it faster than she could cross the corral (when I had a chance to look, I saw it was the cow Shayne had warned me about).A word of warning to those doing their first foalings - Lori obviously knows and trusts her mares (and her mares trust her!), but a lot of mares can be a bit funny tempered once they get to their feet after the birth. If you have not foaled your mare before or have an unknown maiden, then please be careful as she may not be happy to have you near her new baby and may turn very protective, so keep 'tuned in' to your mare's attitude!
Too cute, but make mine a filly.Had to share 1 last photo of Billy that Art took today