Eau Claire sale

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On a happy note; inspite of the "pig" that bought the 19 "head" as he called them....I bought the mommy and baby (black and white) thanks to Marnie and Donna. ha ha To all of you I met and encouraged me to bid; thank you! Mommy and baby are doing great and fitting in perfectly. This morning they ran around the pasture like the wind; what a site! Mommy and baby with tails in the air prancing around like they own the place. My other baby; Blackberry Jam that I bought from Donna at QtrRae tried to keep up but her fat little butt was dragging behind most of the time. ha ha (she's so cute!)

Thanks Donna and Marnie for the "ride home" for my babies!

I hope that everyone who won and or rescued at the sale are as happy as I am with mine. This is my second positive experience at the sale. I love giving them a good home. Karen

I just want to thank my dearest friend, Donna Herold (Qtr Rae), for taking the risk of allowing this little fella on her property and giving him lots of good lovin, feed and probios! She's a true friend that I'm honored to know!

Just got off the phone with her and she said that he's consuming his beet pulp/grain mixture quite voraciously. She feels so bad because he's petrified of humans, because all he knows of them is they mean "terror". She gave her filly and he a probios to help prevent ulcers, etc. God bless you, friend!

Here's a photo she took this morning of him chowing down on his new cuisine!



P.S. - DBARJ (Jenny) - Will you keep us posted on the progress of getting these horses away from the man. When I shook the man's hand, he introduced himself as Bill.....so we're probably talking about the right guy.

Can we keep this in a positive light.....perhaps if we can get some folks together who are able to buy the babies from him (he upcharged me only 25 dollars, probably because I showed kindness), maybe we can educate him on proper hauling procedures and help make him a productive member of the community. Two years ago, I had a closed head injury which caused me to make unsound life choices that impacted my family and horses....thus I sold all but two to homes that could provide the emotional needs of the horses. Flame away!

That said, I, for one, live in a delicate glass house and know better than to cast stones. Frankly, I got "juju" vibes from the breeder and really wanted to take a pipe corral panel to the breeder....he has a HARD HEART. If mercy is shown to this man (Bill).....and I have no trouble approaching him, perhaps we can get these horses away from him.

Okay, folks, the cost for the weanlings that were sold were as follows...I'm not sure which horses went to him....but it's a picture of what went on at the sale:


Filly $175 Sorrel

Colt $ 70 Black


Filly $180 Roan Pinto

Colt $700......(Ashley's gorgeous new hunk!) Congratulations!

Filly $250 Pinto

Filly $175 very sickly

Colt $130 Chocolate dapple

Colt $ 75 Bay (the one I have nightmares about)

Colt $110 DUN PAINTED A CLOSE SHAVE........(I purchased him for $131)

Colt $110 Bay

Colt $110 Bay Pinto

Colt $100 Didn't note color

Colt $115 Bay colt (double registered)

Filly $110 Black Grade GORGEOUS filly

Colt $115 Chocolate with white star

He also purchased other stallions, etc at rock bottom prices. Some goregous primative dun stallions would make excellent driving prospects and went for $130 and $140. What a shame!

I'm so proud of everyone who's taken an interest in these little critters. If someone is interested in one of these animals, I'll be happy to take it upon myself to contact the guy (if Jenny can find his phone number) and pick them up and rehome them. He'll probably want $30-$40 extra per horse, but they are all registered AMHR....some double.

We have 25 acres and a quarrantine pasture. Those who wish to take in one of these horses he purchased, I'll be happy to make every effort to see if we can get the horses from an indelicate situation. Please feel free to PM me or phone...always happy to meet folks with a big heart!


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I remember him! Yes he was one scared little boy.

Karen what mare did you get?

The only mare I can remember with a foal is the blue roan and the one who was deathy thin.
Ashley said:
I remember him! Yes he was one scared little boy.

Karen what mare did you get?

Ashley, yes; I got the blue roan mommy with the black and white pinto baby. I have pictures to post but haven't figured out how to do that yet.
The mare has been bred back to the same stallion that fathered this baby. He was at the auction also; the brown and white pinto. I hope he wasn't one of stallions that went to "that mean guy."

Your new baby is beautiful. I was checking him out too along with the mule; ******. I'm glad he got a good home.

If you were sitting in the bleachers were you on the far right? I remember seeing somebody all excited over some horse. However I dont remember which horse........that wasnt you was it?

How neat that you have posted!

You did indeed get a very nice mare with a nice baby (even though she is a bit "spunky!")

You have a beautiful little herd.

Here is one of the places to go to upload your pictures so that you can put them on the Forum.


Hey, if I can figure it out then you most certainly will be able to!! HA!!
It is so good to hear this pretty colt is going to have a good loving home

DunPainted said:

I just want to thank my dearest friend, Donna Herold (Qtr Rae), for taking the risk of allowing this little fella on her property and giving him lots of good lovin, feed and probios! She's a true friend that I'm honored to know!

Just got off the phone with her and she said that he's consuming his beet pulp/grain mixture quite voraciously. She feels so bad because he's petrified of humans, because all he knows of them is they mean "terror". She gave her filly and he a probios to help prevent ulcers, etc. God bless you, friend!

As I read this, this OUTRAGES me. I see my "pet quality" colt playing in my backyard and bawl at the thought of someone sending him to a killer. He has brought me more happiness, love, joy, and smiles than I could ever imagine. To think that someone could do this makes me doubt humans even more. To think that because these minis weren't of a certain caliber, that they did not deserve to live is DISGUSTING. I didn't know this sort of thing happened with the minis, and it is extremely disturbing.
Cindy you mentioned there were some Amish people helping load them?????

There is an auction in CO, happens 3 times a year. It is run by the Amish. There are usually several minis that have been trained to drive. The ones they bring are in pretty nice condition and well mannered. MAYBE some of these will go to a place like that. We could hope right?

Killers have been known to load as many animals in the trailers as they can. They get paid by the total pound, not just for the "meat" pound. I heard one say they will buy minis to fill the empty space in the trailers and add to the total weight. Sorry, I don't like it either but happens.

Cindy, PM me with info on the ones you think you can get. I've had several folks here looking for geldings. Maybe we can work something out.
Marnie said:
    Their just weren't many people there today, to even bid, the kill buyer was a fat sloppy dressed man, looked the type. Standing next to the auctioneer on the right hand side, in a sloppy blue striped shirt, if anyone wants to know who he was.     After the sale, we went out behind where they were loading, he'd put two studs together up front, they were fighting just terribly, the entire time, his huge trailor was just shaking from it, until I couldn't bare it any longer, I walked away. I saw him drag out several little weanlings, nice straight little horses with big eyes, tiny muzzles, clipped and looking pretty, nothing wrong with them except no one else had bid, he got them for about 130$ each. Approx.
Wish I could have gone. From you description this sounds like it could have been the owner of the Kalona Sale Barn in Iowa which has monthly horse sales. He buys cheap, hauls them to his sale and generally makes some money on them. Last I heard weanlings are going for around $250 at Kalona so if he could buy a bunch at around $100 a head he'd be looking at a tidy profit margin.
Wish I could have gone.  From you description this sounds like it could have been the owner of the Kalona Sale Barn in Iowa which has monthly horse sales.  He buys cheap, hauls them to his sale and generally makes some money on them.  Last I heard weanling's are going for around $250 at Kalona so if he could buy a bunch at around $100 a head he'd be looking at a tidy profit margin.

Yes I wish that people won't automatically assume the worst
.Just because He buys mini's at very low prices and is called a killer buyer...He is in to make money and there is no money to be made by selling minis to slaughter at those light weights.. Even if they get paid for Live weight the Slaughter plant has to realize a profit for selling the "meat" and when only getting just a few pounds from a mini that can be used at all there just is not enough for the plants to cut up and grind up our little tiny equine friends. After all business is business and they are in it to make a profit on selling horse meat and there just is not enough weight in most cases for most of the minis going to slaughter.
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I am so thankful that someone has turned him in. Even scummy kill buyers have to follow basic humane laws and it sure doesn't sound like he has. I also know how tough it can be to get authorities to listen... it took me months to help mares I saw being abused. But the law did finally help them out of their horrible situation. We all need to speak up, and LOUDLY when we see this kind of behavior towards animals that cannot speak for themselves. Bravo for those who spoke up, to Cindy for getting that colt away from him, and to all of you that are sicked by this senseless cruelty
We went to the sale also. brought home 4 minis and a grade pony mare. My sister bought the starving mare with the colt at side (an orion vant huttenest grandaughter!) and she is doing well as is the colt! they will be vet checked out this week!

i bought a little (TALL) filly, b size, that i beat out the kill buyer for. she is sooo precious! if i had the money i would have brought home at least 5 of those other foals! i bid on alot of horses that i hope went high enough that the kill buyer did not get them.

our "group" talked about it all night saturday and also on sunday. we love the horses we got.

no, not all the horses were halter quality, but alot of colts that went for $100 - $110 would have made great driving horses and 4H horses. next fall i hope to have enough money to buy them so they do not go to the meat buyer. i will be using the money i get for my LILY (when she sells) just for this purpose.

On another note, it was great to see the people there i knew and to meet people from the FORUM! we had fun enjoying the company of new and old friends!

Reading the replys on this thread made me feel better, thinking that the foals may not be going for kill. I think he did pay just $100-$110 for them, not $130. I will be telling Bud Hayes what I think of this too when I see him, kinda wondering if he'd called the slime ball to come to try to get a little more for a few. There are a couple breeders around that just pull them off the mares early and a bucks a buck, doesn't matter how they get it. I assumed they were going for kill because of the way they were being handled. And to put the studs in together was something I still hear, you could hear them on the other side of the building and parking lot. And the helpless feeling I had was so terrible, I had to fight the urge to go let the studs out of the trailor and grab the babies and go, while he was inside getting more. But truthfully, I'm clausophobic and don't know what I'd do if I was hauled off to jail. But I feel terrible that I just walked away, I wish I had tried to buy a few from him. I was gone by the time Cindy was there. It was a devastating experience.
justjinx said:
no, not all the horses were halter quality, but alot of colts that went for $100 - $110 would have made great driving horses and 4H horses.  next fall i hope to have enough money to buy them so they do not go to the meat buyer.  i will be using the money i get for my LILY (when she sells) just for this purpose.

On another note, it was great to see the people there i knew and to meet people from the FORUM!  we had fun enjoying the company of new and old friends!



Hey, Ashley!!!!!!!

It's about time you posted on the Forum!!

I really got a "kick out of this!!"

We were there too. Got to meet Ashley and Marnie. Was very nice to meet you both!!

Ashley-- where's your picture??

Marnie--was very nice to finally meet you, next time will have to just come right over when you are all sitting down to meet the rest in your group.

I saw Jeri there but it was durning the auction and was going to say hi after but she left. Jeri if you are reading this--I say hi!!

As for the sale there were some that were breeding material but I thought most were pet quality. As I suppose an auction would bring. I had my eye on a little buckskin mare but of course didn't bring enough $$. Wish they would have taken credit card

I didn't realize there was a kill buyer until after it was all done and Marnie told us. But the one thing that sticks in my mind is his trailer. We were a little ways away and could hear those stallions fighting in there. If that isn't cruel! Sounds like this guy has been around horses long enough to know not to put those stallions together--whether they are going to another home or not. What to do? I can't afford to buy up all those little ones (wish I could) nor do I have a big enough place for them all.
I go to the local auction several times a year to do a report for the Humane Society. I talked with the auction house owner and he told me that minis and small ponies where really selling this year for "PONY SKIN". According to him, the fashion industry is paying big money for "Pony Skin" to use for coats, skirts and furniture. He said that pintos, apps and solid dark colors really expensive. So, it's not only for meat but also for skins.

Thanks to everyone for helping the poor animals but also for bringing to light the ugly side of the horse industry.
wendy4mini said:
I go to the local auction several times a year to do a report for the Humane Society.  I talked with the auction house owner and  he told me that minis and small ponies where really selling this year for "PONY SKIN".  According to him, the fashion industry is paying big money for "Pony Skin" to use for coats, skirts and furniture.  He said that pintos, apps and solid dark colors really expensive.  So, it's not only for meat but also for skins. 
Thanks to everyone for helping the poor animals but also for bringing to light the ugly side of the horse industry.


I was horrified when I learned of the "pony skin" horses - usually babies, that are purchased at auctions by kill buyers. When I was looking for a new horse to fill Liberty's empty stall, there were many sites with pony skin foals and PMU horses. Scary stuff.

So glad some of the minis found good homes....after adopting my PMU filly (who was rescued from kill buyers by the rescue that adopted her initially), I would always have a rescue horse around. Finisterre is very kind, smart and gentle. I did climb on her this past week and she would not go beyond a walk (normally she will trot and canter on command)... she knew my knee was not working 100% and she was quite easy with me and normally she can be spirited and spunky.


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