Well, my opinion and $4 will get you a coffee at StarbucksWhich leads me to- Exactly what would a miniature horse NEED to look like to go around promoting the breed? An exotic looking halter or high stepping driving horse? What is the perfect mini or is there one perfect type or many?

Mountain Meadows Amir Al Amar - 2X National GRAND Champion Halter Stallion - STUNNING, PERFECTION, GORGEOUS!

Century Farms Bey Masquerade - World GRAND Champion Open Pleasure Driving and producing quality foals.
First Knights Billy Idol - World Champion Get of Sire and tons of World Champion foals
Silver Meadows Jet So Go - Many times champion driving horse
Can't think of his name, but that under 30 stallion/gelding that jumps his butt off! Has tons of wins at nationals.
7S Nashvilles Ransom - a 29" stallion that is a National GRAND Champion Pleasure Driving horse and also a National top six in halter. Talk about a tiny performance horse!!! O M G!
Avantes Celtic Melody - World Champion of Champions - stunning mare who proved she could do it as a junior mare and also a senior mare
There are literally HUNDREDS more that would be wonderful representatives of what the miniature horse should be/do/perform like. I think if a horse like Prince was paraded around on national tv like Einstein is, the world would be SHOCKED at what a real miniature horse can look like. A miniature horse can actually look like a stunning, leggy, athletic big horse! We just don't get to see those ones on tv.