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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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My yearling Miniature horse Cinnabar is sick.

I was bathing him for our show which is in two days so I can clip him. I let him stand to dry and without thinking I left a bucket of soapy water.

Cinnabar drank about half the bucket of soapy water.

He is now standing in his pen. He is very listless and he is foaming at the mouth. He has no interest in food. His color and capillary refill time is good. He is making a sort of congested sound every now and then when he breathes.

I have been walking him and offering him fresh water but he isn't perking up. I can't get a hold of any vets because it is a holiday where I live.

Is there anything I can do for him? Please help.
where do you live?

look up a animal hostpital in your area see if they are open and if they can treat him. Try calling out a friend (if you can't a vet any where) who has horses for a long time they could help. keep offering him fresh water.
Most modern soaps and detergents are not toxic. What a zany baby to drink that! Do you have a poison control center there? A pharmacy you can call? Have the soap ingredients ready so the person can help you idenify anything potentially harmful.
Try suringing water, wish you where closer, I have this product that would help.

Sorry will not help now, but please look into this and all that have minis, amazing stuff.

I have bought this and would not be without this product on hand.

Cost 28.00 Canadian and my tube is good for 2007 would do at least 5 minis.

McIntosh Pro Line 911 Emergency

Recommended for:

911 Emergency designed for the immediate treatment of the symptoms of, scours, gut ache, stress, heat exhaustion, dehydration, exposure to mouldy hay or forage. For the prevention and treatment of diarrhea, and conditions associated with digestive upset. First aid during colic episode prior to professional diagnosis and treatment. 911 Emergency is a must to have on hand for those Emergency situations.

Use 911 Emergency then call your local veterinarian


911 Emergency provides a broad-spectrum complex of beneficial direct-fed microbial and yeast cultures in a unique, bioenergetic base of fermentation products and specially engineered yeast extract rich in glucomannans (GM) and mannanoligosacharides (MOS). With its global replenishment of the full array of ingredients needed by healthy colonies, 911 Emergency produces much faster results for animals of all ages. We guarantee that 911 Emergency is the fastest microbial support system in the marketplace for the immediate care of all classes of animals.

Phone number 1877-825-7325
I know there is a national poison control number for animals. It charges per use but it would be worth it!

Okay, having Googled it...

As the premier animal poison control center in North America, the APCC is your best resource for any animal poison-related emergency, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you think that your pet may have ingested a potentially poisonous substance, make the call that can make all the difference: (888) 426-4435. A $55 consultation fee may be applied to your credit card.

Possibly a different (cheaper?) line...



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