Well-Known Member
Equine Illness
Original post:
Calling all vets: What equine illness starts off with colic like symptoms then gets worse with the horse losing body function (urination & pooping). No eating, drinking... Very lethargic and mopey, but still have good color (wet pink gums & white eyes)... What does this sound like to you & once the horses have been put out of their misery how would you go about protecting other horses that they may have come into contact with before it was known they were sick?
~~~ later added info:
Oh guys... I love you all. Why would any of you think a vet would have not already been involved? - a vet was called all horses saw a vet three times over the course of when colic symptoms started (11/21/12) and also as the symptoms got worse it was back to the vet and each time it was the same their color is good, they just have a tummy ache and they will pull out of it... Give banamine as needed for pain and let me tell you they were in pain and put in a round pen to allow fresh grass (supposed to flush out toxins & make them "poop like a goose" (their appetites were light at this point, but they were still eating not pooping or peeing though) and we were also told to give each horse a pint of vegetable oil (to help things pass).... The first horse died 11/27/12 & the other two followed 11/28/12. Obviously my own vet has no clue how to tie his own shoes so I pose the question to you? What illness could have possibly swept through my herd and how can I keep it from getting the other horses? As of right now the remaining horses appear normal no outward appearances of illness or anything... I'm gonna disinfect the barn, stalls, water / feed buckets and surrounding area the best that I can... I think I'm still in shock over everything. I just need guidance & prayers... No bashing please I am mentally at the end of my rope. My fiancé and I literally have done EVERYTHING in our arsenal of knowledge as well as EVERYTHING we were instructed to do by the vet to keep these majestic creatures alive. We have LIVED in the barn. It just wasn't enough unfortunately.
Original post:
Calling all vets: What equine illness starts off with colic like symptoms then gets worse with the horse losing body function (urination & pooping). No eating, drinking... Very lethargic and mopey, but still have good color (wet pink gums & white eyes)... What does this sound like to you & once the horses have been put out of their misery how would you go about protecting other horses that they may have come into contact with before it was known they were sick?
~~~ later added info:
Oh guys... I love you all. Why would any of you think a vet would have not already been involved? - a vet was called all horses saw a vet three times over the course of when colic symptoms started (11/21/12) and also as the symptoms got worse it was back to the vet and each time it was the same their color is good, they just have a tummy ache and they will pull out of it... Give banamine as needed for pain and let me tell you they were in pain and put in a round pen to allow fresh grass (supposed to flush out toxins & make them "poop like a goose" (their appetites were light at this point, but they were still eating not pooping or peeing though) and we were also told to give each horse a pint of vegetable oil (to help things pass).... The first horse died 11/27/12 & the other two followed 11/28/12. Obviously my own vet has no clue how to tie his own shoes so I pose the question to you? What illness could have possibly swept through my herd and how can I keep it from getting the other horses? As of right now the remaining horses appear normal no outward appearances of illness or anything... I'm gonna disinfect the barn, stalls, water / feed buckets and surrounding area the best that I can... I think I'm still in shock over everything. I just need guidance & prayers... No bashing please I am mentally at the end of my rope. My fiancé and I literally have done EVERYTHING in our arsenal of knowledge as well as EVERYTHING we were instructed to do by the vet to keep these majestic creatures alive. We have LIVED in the barn. It just wasn't enough unfortunately.
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