Erica's Geisha is acting funny

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That mare is very, very restless right now, I have not seen her act like this before. Just did the Flehmen nose a few times in a row...Erica, hope you have your robe handy!!!
Sheryl, at least now your getting on the same page and starting to see the potential Rowdy Rusty has in the showring.

Not only will B and E fight over showing him....Sheryl, Lisa/Mike Strasslein will co-own him for the sum of 1 zillion dollars.
And they all will cry and faint when he wins liberty as the youngest weanling AMHR colt ever in the history of the registry. We all know what song will play....''don't cha wish your stud colt was hot like me''.....which of course will lead Tara into a masterpiece add just for Rusty.

Mr. Killion will thank the fine lad who suggested the name sake of this fine colt(Rowdy Rusty) and having the vision to believe in this colt before his birth.... by a complimentary autographed picture of Rowdy Rusty and Erica. Erica will be wearing the ribbon dress from convention.

Mr. Killion will kindly state, how he wishes to offer more but arranged marriages are not permitted in AR.

Sheryl, lets not get cocky here....first....little Rowdy Rusty has to be born.... so I'm trusting your doing your part. Boil some water or something.....
Sheryl, at least now your getting on the same page and starting to see the potential Rowdy Rusty has in the showring.

Not only will B and E fight over showing him....Sheryl, Lisa/Mike Strasslein will co-own him for the sum of 1 zillion dollars.
And they all will cry and faint when he wins liberty as the youngest weanling AMHR colt ever in the history of the registry. We all know what song will play....''don't cha wish your stud colt was hot like me''.....which of course will lead Tara into a masterpiece add just for Rusty.

Mr. Killion will thank the fine lad who suggested the name sake of this fine colt(Rowdy Rusty) and having the vision to believe in this colt before his birth.... by a complimentary autographed picture of Rowdy Rusty and Erica. Erica will be wearing the ribbon dress from convention.

Mr. Killion will kindly state, how he wishes to offer more but arranged marriages are not permitted in AR.

Sheryl, lets not get cocky here....first....little Rowdy Rusty has to be born.... so I'm trusting your doing your part. Boil some water or something.....
Russ, Russ, Russ. A weaner can't show in liberty!

I think we should get a 10% fee for the early promotion of Rowdy Rusty with all this jibber jabber we are doing over him. So what is 10% of 1 zillion dollars?

And since you have mentioned the name sake thing, maybe you should be the one to pose with Rowdy Rusty in Play Horse seeing how you are his #1 fan in the making! You could even be President of his fan club!

As far as the arranged marriages.....please this is the south! The good ole boy system still works down here. I am sure Mr. Killion could manage it. OH, perhaps he could take you two to where ever it is he is working at this time and get it taken care of that way! Never say never Russ.

Why do I have to boil the water? Cuz I'm a woman? You go boil the dang water! lol
Does she have her mouth open?? Is that normal, as I haven't seen maybe only one birth on marestare. That poor girl looks so miserable..
That is one very restless mare, good luck to her and erica.
She continues to be restless. Almost agitated, pawing at the ground. It just has to be soon!
Geisha's acting restless and I have been watching her for a while and put off feeding for a bit thinking maybe she's decide to lay down and have it, yet now.....she's walking circles and jumping and bucking
pacing, butt rubbing, pawing........

I'm bundling up and will go ahead and go feed, they are used to eating about 6 on weekdays and about 8 on weekends.......and that way I can see if she's looser behind or milk has changed.
I was just going to comment on how silly she is this morning. I wondered if you(Erica) might be within sight with the food, and she was having a spell over that. Now I know you weren't there, I'm thinking maybe she knows something we don't!
yep she knew food was in the making. Smart little girl. I was hoping that she would lay down and foal.... No chance, I keep missing them
I thought I saw her bucking in that back corner! lol She was definitely annoyed by something. Then she looked agitated and I finally saw Erica with food! lol

Erica did check her afterwards so maybe she'll give us an update on her milk.

I'll tell you when she will foal. I have to leave about 2:00 today for a couple hours. So eastern time between 2:00 and 4:00 she will foal! LOL you can see she's now just eating. I'm not sure what caused the big ruckus she was putting on other than if she knows she's getting close... (as I was down here sitting in the living room the whole time she was putting on a show)

I did go ahead and turn the Kaglo heater on in her stall, so we will see if she was just being frisky in the cool air (or cold...) or hopefully she's getting ready later to show us her baby.

Still about the same tension behind, dark pink, but not brite red pink yet.....Milk is still the same as well, she's got milk and it's white and bright, but I'd expect the consistency to be a bit more.

time will tell....when lil' Rusty (Rustette
) will make it's appreance

Thanks for helping watch her
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Is geishas camera showing up black to anyone else?
There she is
this mare stare is addictive lol
I turned her kaglo on her tonight so she is nice and cozy; she is a lot looser behind tonight!
I am so annoyed that I can't view it
I emailed mare stare to see if they aren't compatible with mac computers but I haven't heard anything back
This morning, she was standing with her face towards the camera and her hind end facing the corner and just the look of her stance gave me the impression she's more uncomfortable that usual. Now she's standing more under the camera and shifting her weight more than usual (almost 5am est).

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