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The bigots simply want to control everybody else and suck the joy from the world.

That is so the truth! My youngest daughter married a man of color, and my grandchildren are of color, we have lost some so called friends because of their bigotry and prejudice and fear of something they know nothing about. Not alose on my part, just theirs!
Great responses on this topic from the Republicans at the debate last night. They follow what I added to the last post--the closed one.

The reason why I have not--and will not again--reply to this post is because it's assumed by those in favor of gay marriage that those who are opposed are bigots/fearful/whatever other term you wish to attach. That is simply not the case--at least not with most. You can't seem to wrap around the idea that it is possible for one to love/respect/accept gays and their "lifestyle" (that word fits well) but not think it's acceptable/appropriate to change what marriage is, has been, and always will be--between man and a woman.

Some excerpts:

Newt Gingrich said marriage was a "sacrament" long recognized in history as being between a man and a woman.


"It is a huge jump from being understanding and considerate and concerned, which we should be, to saying we therefore are going to institute the sacrament of marriage as though it has no basis," he said. "It's something worth protecting."


Santorum was asked what should happen to couples who have married in New Hampshire since it became state law. Santorum said marriage was a federal issue.


"We have to have one law. We can't have someone married in one state and not married in another. Once we are successful in establishing that, then this issue becomes moot," he said.


Mitt Romney said he'd support domestic partnership benefits for gay couples, but stopped short of gay marriage or even civil unions.


"To say that marriage is something other than the relationship between a man and a woman, I think, is a mistake," he said. "The reason for that is not that we want to discriminate against people or to suggest that gay couples are not just as loving and can't also raise children well. But it's instead a recognition that, for society as a whole, that the nation presumably would be better off if children are raised in a setting where there's a male and a female."


Jon Huntsman Jr. broke with the field by stating his support for civil unions.


"On marriage, I'm a traditionalist. I think that ought to be saved for one man and one woman, but I believe that civil unions are fair. And I think it brings a level of dignity to relationships," he said.


As the discussion winded down, Gingrich said the line of questioning showed "bias," reprising the role of media critic he had enjoyed in many past debates.


"You don't hear the opposite question asked," he said, raising the issue of the Catholic church being forced to close adoption services because it won't accept gay marriage, among others. "The bigotry question goes both ways. And there's a lot more anti-Christian bigotry today than there is concerning the other side. And none of it gets covered by the news media."

Copyright © 2012, Los Angeles Times
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Sorry I missed this topic . I dont see a problem in anyone getting married if they love eachother , gay, or not , the love , devotion , and respect is there
thats good enough for me . Funny , about religion ...I live in a very small Catholic village ...the people in the village are about the coldest , unloving , non christian people I have ever met ... Religion belongs in peoples hearts and should stay there, please dont connect love , marriage and religion with eachother , I dont see the connection . Alongman ... you want to get married , come here and do it : ) By the way ...marriage between man and woman , woman and woman , man and man ... is all about the indivual relationship , not what is written down on biblical paper . I got married in an office sitting at a confrence table while filling out paperwork in another lanuage ...didnt hurt my marriage one bit . A man filled out my "religion" section , and he wrote that i was Catholic , it was just better that way ...I am not Catholic ...I am not even religious lol ... life is too short to worry about details like that ...live , love and be kind , and leave your religious prefrences to yourself .

Kristen Torkington
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I did not post on the other thread, and only read part of it. I think that all of these Hollywood weddings have done a lot to undermine what marriage really is. I think that anyone that is truely in love should marry if they wish. Marriage should be about something, mean something and be a commitment between two people. Nothing about what a marriage means to me has anything to do with if you are the same sex or not. People need to define What a marriage is, not who it is between. If the Government wants to get involved, make people who are married for 72 days pay a fine to the Feds as part of there divorce.
Great responses on this topic from the Republicans at the debate last night. They follow what I added to the last post--the closed one.

The reason why I have not--and will not again--reply to this post is because it's assumed by those in favor of gay marriage that those who are opposed are bigots/fearful/whatever other term you wish to attach. That is simply not the case--at least not with most. You can't seem to wrap around the idea that it is possible for one to love/respect/accept gays and their "lifestyle" (that word fits well) but not think it's acceptable/appropriate to change what marriage is, has been, and always will be--between man and a woman.

Some excerpts:

Newt Gingrich said marriage was a "sacrament" long recognized in history as being between a man and a woman.


"It is a huge jump from being understanding and considerate and concerned, which we should be, to saying we therefore are going to institute the sacrament of marriage as though it has no basis," he said. "It's something worth protecting."


Santorum was asked what should happen to couples who have married in New Hampshire since it became state law. Santorum said marriage was a federal issue.


"We have to have one law. We can't have someone married in one state and not married in another. Once we are successful in establishing that, then this issue becomes moot," he said.


Mitt Romney said he'd support domestic partnership benefits for gay couples, but stopped short of gay marriage or even civil unions.


"To say that marriage is something other than the relationship between a man and a woman, I think, is a mistake," he said. "The reason for that is not that we want to discriminate against people or to suggest that gay couples are not just as loving and can't also raise children well. But it's instead a recognition that, for society as a whole, that the nation presumably would be better off if children are raised in a setting where there's a male and a female."


Jon Huntsman Jr. broke with the field by stating his support for civil unions.


"On marriage, I'm a traditionalist. I think that ought to be saved for one man and one woman, but I believe that civil unions are fair. And I think it brings a level of dignity to relationships," he said.


As the discussion winded down, Gingrich said the line of questioning showed "bias," reprising the role of media critic he had enjoyed in many past debates.


"You don't hear the opposite question asked," he said, raising the issue of the Catholic church being forced to close adoption services because it won't accept gay marriage, among others. "The bigotry question goes both ways. And there's a lot more anti-Christian bigotry today than there is concerning the other side. And none of it gets covered by the news media."

Copyright © 2012, Los Angeles Times
Santorum also went on to say that gays' were comparable to capital murderists based on his religion........I'm pretty sure that who I sleep with is not even close to me killing someone.
Sorry I missed this topic . I dont see a problem in anyone getting married if they love eachother , gay, or not , the love , devotion , and respect is there
thats good enough for me . Funny , about religion ...I live in a very small Catholic village ...the people in the village are about the coldest , unloving , non christian people I have ever met ... Religion belongs in peoples hearts and should stay there, please dont connect love , marriage and religion with eachother , I dont see the connection . Alongman ... you want to get married , come here and do it : ) By the way ...marriage between man and woman , woman and woman , man and man ... is all about the indivual relationship , not what is written down on biblical paper . I got married in an office sitting at a confrence table while filling out paperwork in another lanuage ...didnt hurt my marriage one bit . A man filled out my "religion" section , and he wrote that i was Catholic , it was just better that way ...I am not Catholic ...I am not even religious lol ... life is too short to worry about details like that ...live , love and be kind , and leave your religious prefrences to yourself .

Kristen Torkington
Life is very simple. Be kind to one another and treat others the way you want to be treated. If it's not hurting anyone else, why do people care?! I don't get it! If your really concerned that God may be ticked off, let him/her/it deal with it in the end. I just dont understand the debate....I, honestly don't. Is it that religious people are concerned for my soul? Lol. Thanks, but just look after your own....
Life is very simple. Be kind to one another and treat others the way you want to be treated. If it's not hurting anyone else, why do people care?! I don't get it! If your really concerned that God may be ticked off, let him/her/it deal with it in the end. I just dont understand the debate....I, honestly don't. Is it that religious people are concerned for my soul? Lol. Thanks, but just look after your own....
I think that if God were that upset with me for living the life I have lived, then I would have been toast a few years ago. God and I have a relationship (maybe not the same as everyone elses, but still present) - I agree with Matt, let him judge me, not the people who claim to be Him or speak for Him.
Isn't love a gift from God? I feel like it is.
I guess God has this really crazy plan - give gay people children to love, nurture, and help grow into responsible people......yet he hates them and considers them an "abomination" (please excuse reference to last posted topic).
Maybe part of the equation is an opportunity for people to resist the urge to pass judgments that aren't for them to make?

It's hard for me, too, to understand a fixation on private lives that don't impact the lives of others. I don't know of a way that people loving each other doesn't improve the karma of the world.

I am not "bible smart" (and don't strive to be!) but I am confident in my spirituality and faith. I don't think it needs to be nearly as complicated as some like to make it.
Fast forward to today. I have a beautiful and amazing 2 month old daughter. She has made my life complete. Many say I shouldn't have had her, as its not right for a child to be raised by a gay parents. Well it seems in many people's eyes I have set this child up for failure in more ways than one. Not only is she raised by a gay parent, she is raised by a single parent and she is mixed raced.

Yes you read right, raised by a single parent. I can a sure you that nobody would pick to be gay, it isn't worth it. In the past few days/weeks I have heard many cruel names, such as ****** for one. I have also been told that I am controlled by the devil and that being gay isn't a born way but rather a demon living within me. This only after saying I question something's and whether or not God really is real.

However, I can assure everybody that I am not controlled by a demon. I have no desire to kill anybody or even hurt anybody. I don't aspire to do any sort of crime. What I am is a very caring, loving single mother who will provide and care for my child to the best of my ability. She will be raised to have an open mind and accept all people regardless of color, gender or sexual preference. She will be raised to follow her dreams, and I hope that by continuing to pursue my master's degree despite it not being very good timing, that I will set a good example for her. I will teach her not to let what others say keep her from being herself and doing what she wants with life. Is the path I wished for my life? No. Would I change it if I could? Most defiantly, however I can't so I have to live with what I am given. Is this necessarily what I picked for her? No, but I can't change others and despite my feeling of failure I know that I can give her what she needs.

Most of all I will teach my child to accept everybody and to not let anybody walk on her. I have learned in the past few weeks that those we love can at times cause us the most pain. I will teach her to not let those kinds of people hurt her, instead to try and help them, and to feel bad for them for they hate themselves so much they must hurt others around them to feel good about themselves.
That was BEAUTIFUL Ashley, and I personally wish you ll the best of luck with all your future endeavors.
I just simply do not understand the reason for anyone to care

Why does who anyone chooses to marry. love or just have sex with matter to me. How does it have any effect on my life?

The one thing I know is no matter what anyones life looks like on the outside that is no indication of what they choose to do behind closed doors. Everyone might or might not agree with any alternative lifestyle but your not agreeing should not affect the rights of another human being.

Seems to me the world can only be a better place if we appreciate the gift it is to see two people that love eachother, take care of eachother and make eachother happy.

That is what marriage is about- in reality that is what life is about , finding those who enrich our lives and make not only us better people but that lends to making the world a better place

What matters to me is people finding love - as far as sex who cares, 2 men 2 women - 2 women and a man - BDSM sex whatever- sex is just sex and believe me you have no idea who and what your neighbors and friends or family do behind closed doors and yet you are still part of their lives. Why should we put so much emphasis on what others do in the bedroom. How is that even a legitimate argument?

Granted I am not a religious person for my own reasons but what I do know is God is supposed to be the only one who judges (if you believe that) so what right does anyone else have to decide who is going to heaven or heck or who God loves or hates? Last I heard (but hey maybe things have changed since I have been to church) there was only one God and he was not walking around holding up mean and ignorant signs protesting one human being loving another.

If it is not for you - dont do it but dont let your own fears and ignorance stop anyone else from enjoying the sanctity of marriage which to me is more then being a man and a woman
the world can be a very cruel place sometimes . Fear and ignorance is something that is man made and we all have to deal with it on some level
Some are reminded of the fear and ignorance by the color of their skin, or by their birth place , or by being female or male . Women are raped by men evey few seconds in this world for no apperant reason other than being female and avalible at the time to vent anger .People , children are beaten for no reason , verbaly abused by their parents for no reason , and bullied by their peers. If you want to get married then there are places where you can do this and feel respected and loved as a human being wanting to join in marriage . I would just count your blessings , and the wonderful things you do have , and the fac you live in a place where you can express your feelings . Try to look at the good in life , and accept the struggles , the ignorant , and stupid people ...Thank god your not one of them ; )
There was a news article posted by one of my friends in FB that talked about a baker in Des Moines that didn't want to make a cake for a lesbian couple who where getting married because of her religious convictions. I commented to the effect that this is America and as she is a small business owner, she has the right to refuse service to anyone... BUT I will not be buying cakes from her bakery (because of my convictions). Some guy commented on my post accusing me of wearing Birkenstocks and driving a Suburu and told me that baker doesn't need any of my paltry money... Yeah me in Birkenstocks and a Suburu
. Maybe he saw that I was born in CA. idk. Ahhh, gotta love the midwest <sigh>.
Erika, I have seen first hand, more than once, how fb...for such a large grouping of people...has a very small collective mind.

There was a news article posted by one of my friends in FB that talked about a baker in Des Moines that didn't want to make a cake for a lesbian couple who where getting married because of her religious convictions. I commented to the effect that this is America and as she is a small business owner, she has the right to refuse service to anyone... BUT I will not be buying cakes from her bakery (because of my convictions). Some guy commented on my post accusing me of wearing Birkenstocks and driving a Suburu and told me that baker doesn't need any of my paltry money... Yeah me in Birkenstocks and a Suburu
. Maybe he saw that I was born in CA. idk. Ahhh, gotta love the midwest <sigh>.

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