Ever had a mini that touched your soul?

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user 3234

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Sep 29, 2005
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Every have a horse whether rescue or just purchased, that just won your heart and stood out from all the rest? What made that little mini so special or different from the others?

We have had lots of minis over the years and my husband has been very supportive, but there has only been one that stood out for him and he will not let me sale him. Several years ago we went out to kill a couple of hours on a Sunday to “look” at a 2 yo “gelding”. This creature was walking death in body and mind. I took one look at him and said no way or how are we bringing him home. This animal was on death’s door. He lived his two years in an 8 x 8 pen that had never been cleaned and lucky if he ever saw food or water.

So after we are heading home, to return with the horse trailer (notice who won this one and happy to say I was wrong), and now several years and a surgery later (no gelding, but crypt) my husband has a very large puppy. He is a cart horse (to me), but to my husband he is someone to talk to with an open ear and will not judge. This little mini will search out my husband. He loves to lay down next to my husband in the field with my husband when he is out there on a warm summer day sitting with the minis just watching the day go by. One of those friendships most humans do not share with one another, but found in the soul of a mini that is repaying his love with love, one day at a time.
Aaaawww, what a beautiful story. I'm sure many of us can relate to that.

Thank you for sharing.

I hope you have a photo of the two of them. Now that would be a cherished photo!

We recently brough a mare back from death's door and I certainly know the special bond that can form when you are spending so much time with them.

Over the years several horses have come into our lives that were unwanted in their previous homes. It is an amazing transformation when they know they are home and we are happy with them, and they are staying here. They give back far more than what we have given them in their happiness.
I believe every Miniature Horse owner and lover has had atleast one miniature that has stood out for them. For me, it is my senior stallion named Sampson whom I raised since 2 months old, now 5 years old. He sees me as a mother, playmate, friend and treat giver and there is a special bond there. I can be as quiet as I can anywhere on the property and he will come find me. He is loving, sweet and compassionate with me and "herds" me away from the others but the most special of all - is he doesn't socialize with any other human but me. It's special to know he loves me so much that other people can't compare. 

There is just something special about these minis - you see your first one and next thing you know you're head over heels with love and joy over these tiny bundles!  
What a beautiful story... many of us have had that "one" who touched our hearts and souls like no one else. I was blessed enough to have one in my life, and will always remember him....

Liz R.
This mare and I have a special connection, she was my "mentor" for foaling, an experienced broodmare who taught me so much in my first years of breeding/foaling. She is great with children, visits nursing homes, schools, a wonderful mini ambassador. I don't have words to express what we have, it's special.


"herds" me away from the others but the most special of all - is he doesn't socialize with any other human but me. It's special to know he loves me so much that other people can't compare.
And the one in my life is the same in that respect lol. When Linda and I were first getting back into minis, well she back me my first time, she talked me into buying this gelding who she wanted as a show gelding. We met him and our other first horse at 2009 nationals. This boy came up to me there and could care less if Linda was anywhere around whenever we went to visit him at his stall. When we got Jet home, the bond he and I had begun at nationals grew and grew to the point he is much like jnk miniatures horse and will move in front of any other horse near me and actually get peeved off if I show any other horse attention in front of him. And if I'm around will barely listen to Linda and will not show for her in the ring as he will for me and very well knows how to do.

I agree that every one of us has a story similar to this and the others shared. And I also believe that our horse soul mate seeks us out as well, as Jet sought me out. Thanks for starting this post
Hubby and I were talking about this the other day. I love all my horses but those really special ones dont come a long every day.

My all time special mini was Baxters Tiny Rocket Dancer. My first foal and she taught me so much. She taught me all about narcolpsy (fainting foal) When the vet said she would die I said she would nto and stayed up 2 full days to wake her up and make her nurse.

She was also my first show mini. She was so spoiled and such a brat! Yep really learned my lesson there the very first time I showed her and she tried to sit in my lap in the ring. I got so much grief from people but looking back it was hilarious. She still managed to place 2nd LOL.

This little mare had so much personality and because of my spoiling her early on I dont think she realized she was a horse. She was my baby, my heart horse. Always came running as soon as I went out the back door. Always showed off at every show like she was "all that" She had presence in spades.

Years later we almost lost her to a dysotica once we finally bred her. Again I was determined she wouldnt die and we finally got the foal out. The foal died but she lived.

Then she taught me about colic surgery. Again we pulled her through.

A year later I found her down in the pasture. My heart sank. Rushed her to OSU and did everything they could until they gave me the dreaded news that nothing more could be done. I never knew I could cry so hard and for so long over a horse. They never could find out what happened to her. They suspected poisioning but it never showed up in the necropsy. That year I went to Congress with swollen eyes as I just couldnt pull out of it.

I had a memorial page to her on my site but had to take it down as I cried every time I saw it

I still miss her terribly.

My tiny girl, forever in my heart



Her and mine first show

Throwing a fit in the ring, me trying to talk her out of it



Tiny and Kyle after colic surgery

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We also had a little 2 yo Fallabela blend gelding paint with beautiful markings, that was born here. My husband named him "Bumper" a story in itself. Anyway, he was fun and had a very independent personality. We do not sell many minis, maybe one every couple of years and we were actually in the mist of selling another gelding (had too many) and some people we knew who worked with Autistic children called regarding information on the one we were selling. I told her we had just sold him, but was pondering about selling Bumper but had not put him up for sell. More of a thought in the back of my mind because at the time we had too many at this time. All of our minis have to go to exceptional homes and since I knew of their mini program with children and the quality of life their existing horses have, I told her about Bumper. She and her husband came up and Bumper had an instant bond with the gentlemen, not so much her but him yes. Needless to say he now has a wonderful home and future helping kids.
My "heart horse" was born here. VPS Just A Tad Bad("Callie") has dealt with more in her 5 years then most horses ever have to deal with. In my 5 years with Callie, she has shown me that you never give up. She can't sweat. She also has a Thyroid level so low that it won't register on a blood test if she's not on Thyroid meds. Top that off with being treated for Lyme 2 times. This past winter, her liver acted up and she had to go through Liver Biopsy's. Callie is stubborn, wants things her own way and at times, can test ones patience. She is known as "The Barn Princess". But, she's a horse who will fight with everything she has when it comes to dealing with her medical issues. After this past winter, I was told she'd never see the show ring again, that she'd only come back to be a pasture pet. I have always said that if she was ever "right", she was going to be somebody. Callie loves being a show horse. After hearing she was going to be just a pasture pet, I let a Vet who was out of vet school for only a short amount of time run with Callie's issues. I had nothing to lose. We tried some different things, got her Thyroid under control, and Callie returned to the show ring in June and looked the best she ever has. She also proved me right on being somebody. She was shown at 3 shows, made all 3 Supreme classes and won 2 of them. She was Reserve in the 3rd one. Whether she ever saw the show ring or not again, this horse is my world and has a forever home. I love all my Mini's very much. But, Callie and I have a special bond. There has been alot of blood, sweat and tears put into her, but if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't think twice. I hope every horse owner is lucky enough to have a "heart horse" at somepoint. ~Jen~

I really am fortunate to have two beautiful girls that are very special to me and touch my heart in different ways. I also was blessed to know a certain little man that is no longer in the physical. After losing him this summer, I really would have broken if I had lost my Willow, too. Thanks to the universe for keeping her here for me and Lex.

There are, really, only a few horses that I've ever known that haven't impacted me in some way.

I remember befriending this Thoroughbred named Bristol. A big 16.3h dark bay with a blaze. He also had his sclera showing. I'd cut class and walk to the stables (weird to think that one could do that in that area now). I would take him out of his stall and brush him; I'd go in his stall and hug him. One day a groom saw me and was shocked. I didn't know why, but she freaked out and was scared for my safety. She put him back in his stall. I saw him, later, atacking a groom. ATTACKING HIM! On the ground...trampling him and biting him! He turned out to have a tumour in his brain and was put down. But he knew, I think, that I was a child and he was more than gentle with me. I think of him when I have fear, now, as an adult of some big horses. I try to trust the child in me.

They picked me; even the school horses, when I first started riding. There were around 30 of them. And there are two that really touched my soul. Who knows why. Our horses were assigned to us each week and I used to get major tension headaches praying that I'd get either Stormy or Charlie lol.

Then there was Affaere. A beautiful, big, 16.3h grey Hanoverian mare that was owned by some rich old man. I used to go in her stall and brush her and talk to her. One day the old man was there and he let me ride her! OMG! I felt like Alec in "The Black Stallion" (I was 12). I was in love
She turned out to have navicular and was taken to a farm to retire etc. (not sure if she was bred) I still think of all of them....Wow...I digressed. Not all miniature related. Sorry.
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All of the stories on here are just beautiful.

I love each and every one of my 'babies'. My favorite thing to do is go out in our big mare pasure and just sit down and watch them all graze. Eventually, because EVERY mini is nosy, I am surrounded and giving scratches, kisses, scolding the naughty ones who get jealous and paw me...or steal my gloves in the winter.

I do have a special connection with a few. They have all touched my heart in some way or another, but a few a little more than the others. My first horse given to me by my grandparents was a black pinto stallion, Viking. His dam was our best producer, but she was wild and liked to be left alone so we let her raise her foals in peace. Viking is every bit his mother. For some reason he decided he liked me. I think because I was just a child and he knew I was harmless. I would stand at his gate and he'd come up and let me pet his nose. I'm still the only one that can catch him. He gives me kisses through his fence every morning before feeding time

Another mare, Vanessa, is my other very very special girl. She is the kindest and smartest animal I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. She has so much personality. Last year she had a dystocia and came and found me in the barn. She came right into the stall I was cleaning and plopped down and looked up at me with her big brown eyes and I knew she needed help. She is now retired and living the good life
Gosh, it's so hard to choose just one 'child'. I feel each of them in my heart.

I wake up thinking of them and go to sleep thinking of them.

Our baby girls, I held in my arms and rocked them when they were born and for some

weeks after, untill they outgrew my small frame. Then we'd move to my sliding my legs in between their legs and

then raising them up so it felt, to them and to me, like I was still holding them in my lap.

The girl in our avatar, is a doll. She is so happy to have come and lived with us and would much rather stay in the

barn with us than being out to pasture with the other kids. She would let you groom her alllll day long.

Our old Egyptian Arab that passed just before his 30th birthday....didn't think I'd ever get over not having him in our world.

We shared 25 of his near 30 years and he was so much a part of the family.

Then we come to BabyZee. Our little 29 inch man, a son of American Express.

He came to us after our son left, for 2 years in Bolivia, with the Peace Corp.

He didn't replace my son, being 6000 miles from home, but he filled my empty nest.

I needed something to mother and with his fabulous mind, he allowed me to hang all over him,

provided soulful brown eyes to talk to and often a mane to cry into.

He's given us, with his wife Zoe, 5 beautiful daughters that I was allowed to help mother.

How could I ask for more?!
My "heart horse" was born here. VPS Just A Tad Bad("Callie") has dealt with more in her 5 years then most horses ever have to deal with. In my 5 years with Callie, she has shown me that you never give up. She can't sweat. She also has a Thyroid level so low that it won't register on a blood test if she's not on Thyroid meds. Top that off with being treated for Lyme 2 times. This past winter, her liver acted up and she had to go through Liver Biopsy's. Callie is stubborn, wants things her own way and at times, can test ones patience. She is known as "The Barn Princess". But, she's a horse who will fight with everything she has when it comes to dealing with her medical issues. After this past winter, I was told she'd never see the show ring again, that she'd only come back to be a pasture pet. I have always said that if she was ever "right", she was going to be somebody. Callie loves being a show horse. After hearing she was going to be just a pasture pet, I let a Vet who was out of vet school for only a short amount of time run with Callie's issues. I had nothing to lose. We tried some different things, got her Thyroid under control, and Callie returned to the show ring in June and looked the best she ever has. She also proved me right on being somebody. She was shown at 3 shows, made all 3 Supreme classes and won 2 of them. She was Reserve in the 3rd one. Whether she ever saw the show ring or not again, this horse is my world and has a forever home. I love all my Mini's very much. But, Callie and I have a special bond. There has been alot of blood, sweat and tears put into her, but if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't think twice. I hope every horse owner is lucky enough to have a "heart horse" at somepoint. ~Jen~

This was a beautiful story Jen. I just love Calli!
I have had horses since I was born and my mother has had them since she was 15. I have grown to love MANY horses. About 6 years ago my mother had to put her Paint draft cross down. That then left my welsh pony all by himself. So without saying anything to me or my mom, My dad took it upon himself to find Guppy a new friend. 4 days later I was surprised to find out that he was taking me too look at a new "friend" We arrived at a barn I had seen many times coming back from haying. I knew they bred miniature horses. I was so excited to see my new horsey "buddy" I could hardly hold my excitement in! He lead me to a small round pen with 4 minis in it. He pointed to a little flaxen chestnut colt. Only 5 months old. He said "There he is. You like him" I couldn't help but smile!!! I gave my dad a huge hug and thanked him. The following day he was delivered. I have gone to heck and back with this guy. He has kicked, bit and dragged me more times then I can count on two hands. He made my mom need surgery. (Mind you this was when he was a stud) He was a rotten spoiled little brat! He has many names and about 10 of them are not very nice to say on here
But through all that he is my best friend. I have been able to tell him every secret and know that he won't tell anyone. When I am upset he is always the one I go to. I have 3 others and he is my horse of choice. He isn't the show type. He is very old styled and VERY fat and stocky. Only shows in games. I know most people look at him and laugh at the shows...but I am the one who is laughing as we leave the timed events with a blue ribbon in hand. I couldn't have asked for a better friend. I hope to have him for life. Love you so much "Joshy" Your the best


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I would guess that we have all been touched by horses at one time(or as my families would say, "your 'touched' all right!"). My minis were/are the most touching.

When I went to the breeding farm to "look" at minis, this little colt came right to the fence and took the carrot treat from me. There were only 1 or 2 horses on the place that seem to acknowledge me. He wanted to "smell me" right away and we met noses over the fence. He still does that to this day. He's such a lover but he's not my favorite. I could see him going to an approved home one day.

My newest horse, double reg. Shetland, is not the prettiest horse and since he was put with a trainer all season I had no real connection to him. However, he is so very docile around here now and so very smart that even my husband, not a horse person, is happy with him. It's almost like he's appreciative to have a home.

The one that I would have trouble letting go of is my mare. I've had her since she was 4 1/2 mo. old. We pulled her thru a difficult time (mostly the fault of us humans) and although she is very independent, she willingly does everything I ask of her and gives me 110%. I have taught her to drive and do all the performance classes. She got her HOF in halter obstacle at 3 yr old. I've seen her try so hard in a driving class, where she placed 2nd to big horses, that she pulled a muscle. She made Wis. State Champion in pony/mini driving that year. She'll always be my "baby" even though we plan to breed her next year to have her own baby.

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