I"ve been following your posts and all your concerns about the condition and weight of your horse. I remember some people that knew him were thrilled because he is already known as a very good horse. I"ve gone back to study his pictures and my humble two cents are that he looks just fine the way he is. I think he is mature and reached what is known as his "mature weight" and you can remove some of his feed and work him harder and make him live in sweats till the cow come home and I don't think its going to make him look better than he does now; he's just not going to look like a young fine boned araby colt. This is a beautiful mature horse in his own right who is not fine boned and is already on a good solid working program. I feel that what you see now is what you are going to have. I think he needs every bit of the nutrition you are giving him to be able to go on and keep up with the exercise program you designed for him. I think you are doing very well with him and you have it together and he looks more tucked up now than he did in the spring. I would leave him the way he is and not change a thing. Best wishes to you both this season!