I have to say that I just can't get into Facebook. I did join recently, mostly to check it out & see what all the hype is about, and so that I could see a few other people's pages...but now that I've joined it just doesn't do anything for me & I rarely go there.
My page is very boring, I don't have much info there & no photos, and only my 'friends' can see any of my stuff.
From what I've seen and heard, people are often very stupid about what they post on FB--that guy in the paper the other day who was on the run, hiding out in Mexico--and he started posting a lot on FB and ended up adding a "friend" who was a former government official/agent?--and so then the authorities found him. Then there are people who are on disability but start posting on FB about all the physical activities they are engaging in for fun, and their employer sees that & cuts their disability payments. The people get mad about it but HELLO--what do they expect?? And on a smaller level--all the goofy photos some people post, allowing everyone access to their info--or as said above--posting when they're going to be away from home, for how long--some people make it incredibly easy to have their ID stolen or their homes robbed.
Ya, FB lets you get your 'news' out to a lot of people at one time, but sometimes that just isn't a good thing!