Well-Known Member
Spanky has a fallen crest. What causes this? Is there any way to reverse it or at least make it better?
I'm not sure I have the heart to shave it off lol. I plan on keeping his mane up in braids for the winter, because I won't have the time (or daylight) to keep up with his mane or tail a whole lot this winter, so I will just put it on the other side to see if that helps anyI couldn't see the most recent photo. I can say the 2nd pic he is a lil heavy there, not terrible, but his neck is thick. Sweating it would help.
His mane is also pretty long and thick and that can come into play. My one gelding his neck was starting to crest, right after Nationals we competely shaved it off. He had mane for the next show season and his neck came up alot. Another option is to try and get the mane lay to the other side which will require keeping it braided all the time til it decides it wants to lay over on that side.