Favorite Women's Perfumes

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[SIZE=10pt]Another fun thread Jill! :aktion033: I have always loved musk.[/SIZE]


Crystal Aura

Both by Avon

Guerlain's Jardin du Bagatelle (Maybe misspelled) - a light floral scent. Heavenly and hard to find.

I am very sensitive to frgrance and I don't normally wear any colognes or perfumes, just for that very reason. I work in customer service and when customers come in smelling like they showered in their perfumes, I nearly pass out and start sneezing!! :new_shocked:
: It's not even that I dont like their "scent", its that overpowering me with it that nearly knocks me out!
HA! We refer to that situation as "someone got the gift set for Christmas"....geesh! Who would have thought something so wonderful could be overdone so easily!! LOL!! Like my little Border Collie mix always tells me: she'll sneeze, I'll say bless you, she'll sneeze again, I'll say bless you, etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Enough already! Oops, I guess I sprayed too much!!!

My favorite perfume - Michael by Michael Koors, hard to find but the scent is a slice of heaven - plus my hubbies name is Michael! I don't wear much..a bottle lasts me for a long time

What I wear on a very regular basis?? Bath and Body Works Vanilla Bean Noel regular lotion, only found at the store around the holidays, smells like some kind of really good FOOD...cookies, cotten candy, etc. I get more attention when I wear this then I EVER have wearing perfume! People (especially men) LOVE it...I use it like regular lotion and when I was once working out in a large Jazzercise clase, the instructor stopped the class and asked who brought the good smelling dessert...I knew it was the lotion and told her....she bought some soon after that! HA I stock up around the holidays so it lasts all year.

Pam :saludando:

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