Well-Known Member

So just remember...... we are here to both teach and learn, talk about good days and bad days and to know that there are others who have gone through the same things that we do!

There are some on this forum ( the 1% LOL)who feel it should be "their way or the highway" and when that happens and they hijack a thread for their own agenda, I skip that one and go on to another. Or sometimes I'll read it to see how ridiculous they get.
Please please stay and enjoy the other 99% of the wonderful folks on this forum! I've been in minis for many years, am still a 'backyard breeder" and a little guy, and love to come on here to see new additions and learn stuff.
You, and all other newbies, are MOST welcome!!
This^^^^!Haven't read all the responses but this is, by far, one of the most friendly horsey forums out there (and I know of most of them); most are far more judgemental than this one (and much more snobby). Water off a duck's back....If you're gonna post something publicly be prepared to take the good and the bad criticism (and/or honesty).![]()
I understand just how you feel , the exact same thing has happened to me more than once , I always feel very used and often wonder if I have "MUG" written across my foreheadWelcome to the forum, I'm the foot in the mouth dummy that started the Backyard breeders thread. I now regret using that term, and apoligize. I also believe the new people are the future of our industry. I can't dictate who can breed and who can't, nor can I tell them what quality, etc. to breed. When I started that thread I was out of my mind. I had just received a phone call from someone that I had given a card to a local show, I was the only one that would talk to her about her problems. I had spent alot of time with this prospective buyer educating her on the breed and invited her to my place, but she chose to buy from someone else and it upset me just a little. Then she calls me because the seller won't return her call, and she's trying to get her registration papers straighted out. I'm sorry, and didn't mean to offend you. Please post pictures of your new guy, and join into our conversations and express your opinions, even if like me you sometimes stick your foot in your mouth.
This is one of the friendliest, helpful-ist forums you'll be on. Sometimes things get outta hand but for the most part everyone gets along fabulously!
Now, some of the other forums I frequent/had frequented can get pretty nasty. And one forum I was run out on rails because- HORRORS!!- I BRED ANIMALS. Not even the type of animal the forum was about, but ANY animal! They were pretty rabid over there.... Which was a shame it is seemed to be very knowledgable, but if you don't feel welcome and are downright tend to not go back.![]()
Welcome to the forum, I'm the foot in the mouth dummy that started the Backyard breeders thread. I now regret using that term, and apoligize. I also believe the new people are the future of our industry. I can't dictate who can breed and who can't, nor can I tell them what quality, etc. to breed. When I started that thread I was out of my mind. I had just received a phone call from someone that I had given a card to a local show, I was the only one that would talk to her about her problems. I had spent alot of time with this prospective buyer educating her on the breed and invited her to my place, but she chose to buy from someone else and it upset me just a little. Then she calls me because the seller won't return her call, and she's trying to get her registration papers straighted out. I'm sorry, and didn't mean to offend you. Please post pictures of your new guy, and join into our conversations and express your opinions, even if like me you sometimes stick your foot in your mouth.