Female Mood Swing Question...Long

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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2005
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Fullerton, Nebraska
Ok...This is mainly for those who are older and have gone through "The Change".

History: My mother went through menopause at around 30ish

When I was 28, I was having full blown hot flashes, and mood swings. In January several years ago, I had a mood swing that set in and would not leave for a month. It was directed at my then hubby. I felt like I had a lump in my throat that whole time and I hated that man (we are divorced now, but he didn't deserve heck month). I am a teacher and a one month mood swing is not a good thing ;)

At that time, I went to the DR. and was given some kind of hormone. It seemed to work well. I ended up divorced and met someone else and got prego, so no more hormones....

My daughter is now five and I am 32. I have started the nightly hot flashes, but none during the day yet. Thursday, something happened at work and I felt that swing set in, I had it Thursday and Friday...bawled for two days...was angry or frustrated about work...(It wasn't that I was in trouble or anything, just an incedent with a student set it off) Finally, I think I let it go last night, but I can't tell since I'm not near work. I don't know if I explained how I feel well enough or not for you to understand.

Has anyone else experienced this? I am scared by it because it is such an overpowering feeling. I am afraid that it will come back so I think I will head back to the doctor. I am guessing pregnancy set my menopause off for a while and it is starting back. I just would like to know I am somewhat normal and not going crazy! Anyone????
You really need to talk to a female gynaecologist- all this is a little early but not immensely so. You also need to decide if you want to have another child- very quickly!!!! I went through this when I was 39, at the time I had a male doctor so I changed, within the practise, and got immediate treatment. Mine was amazing to watch- I had to change my clothes and yes I got mood swings and Yes, I was a Teacher, too!!! Fun being a woman, isn't it??? I would, at this stage of the game, take any and all drugs on offer- you can wean off and decide what you want to do when you are back in charge of yourself. First priority is - do you want another baby. If so, try NOW, like yesterday, as time is running out on your biological clock. At 39 I had already decided not to have children, so it was not hard for me. twenty years or so later I am just now ceasing the meds!! But, they did work.
When I was 28 I too had night sweats and lots of abdominal pain. I had male docs and they just kept telling me I was too young to go through menopause. 8 years later I got a female gynocologist and she fixed me up with tests and then a complete hysterectomy was completed. I took the pills for a long time and then stopped because I could not kick this smoking habit. They have done more studies on hormone replacement therapy and IMO a female gyno can help you make a more informed decision on what to take or not to take.

Good luck!

Well, now I at least feel normal and have a stack of books in front of me from the library, but I am still in tears...of laughter after Rabbit's post

I have five children...not running anywhere to have more...LOL.

I do plan to make an appointment on Monday. I want to get a handle on this and not have it ruin a marriage. Thank you girls for your candidness, and now that I don't feel like a freak of nature, maybe I can get on with life.

One thing though, out here there isn't any female doctors and a gyno has to come in from hours away, I think I will first try my family doctor and if that doesn't work, there is a female family doctor there, I will try her.
Well I have been going through pre menopause for about ....nut's since I was 32
I am anti hormone therapy so just deal with the issues as they come....I have been hormonally challenged my whole life...and originally when I started having symptoms I went to two female specialists and both swore I was toooooooo young fine whatever
and they wanted to put me on the pill but I have that nasty smoking habit ....I did try a single hormone for about 3 months didn't do anything really.......I currently sweat like a hog at night, have occasional daytime power surges and have one mean case of PMS (homicidal at times
) so far no one has died
....I am moody and have had mood swings since birth so that is nothing new for me
......personally I would just like all of this over with.....maybe by 40
I would suggest anyone that needs to take hormones to get tested for the various clotting problems out there. Even if you have never had a PE, TIA etc, its so much better to be safe than sorry.

After a decade of BCpills I found out that I have one clotting disorder and can not take any hormones at all. Nice huh? LOL
I would suggest anyone that needs to take hormones to get tested for the various clotting problems out there. Even if you have never had a PE, TIA etc, its so much better to be safe than sorry.

After a decade of BCpills I found out that I have one clotting disorder and can not take any hormones at all. Nice huh? LOL
I would suggest anyone that needs to take hormones to get tested for the various clotting problems out there. Even if you have never had a PE, TIA etc, its so much better to be safe than sorry.

After a decade of BCpills I found out that I have one clotting disorder and can not take any hormones at all. Nice huh? LOL
Like your mother, mine began "the change" in her mid 30's and being the youngest of four children, it wasn't pretty to see a mother with the wild mood swings and migraines. At 34, I started having the same symptoms, yet became pregnant with my only child. By the age of 38, life was just horrible for the entire family for three out of four weeks. Fortunately, my doctor understood the unfortunate situation of a family with an autistic child and the mother going through "the change". He performed a complete hysterectomy (after trying hormone treatments, of course). I only took estrogen for about six months afterward because of an extensive family history of breast cancer. No problems.

Be your own best advocate with doctor(s) who tend to minimize the situation.

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