Hi Everyone! Well..... I've been ansiously awaiting my first foal of the season. My Lot Sa Fun Daytona's Classic (aka Classy) mare who I've never foaled out before. This is such a pretty mare..... I've been just itching to get a foal out of her!!
She was bred to a black & white stallion "Oak Park Oh Im Awesome" that I showed & bred last year to 3 mares. So this is one of his first foal crop to hit the ground!
Classy was due on April 18th and so she finally foaled around 10:15pm on April 23rd. She popped "him" out very quickly! And there was no problems..... Classy is SUCH a great mother! She is SO in LOVE with her baby!! But have a solid black baby with a 8" cannon bone, so I'm guessing he'll mature around 33". But really LIKEING this guy allot! He's Mr. Legs and I'm thinking this guy's going to be my next up & coming all-around show gelding!!
His registered name will be "Deven Creek Oh Im So Cool" and his barn name's aka "Cole"....... But very thrilled! My next mare is due to go in the next 2 weeks! Sorry for all the photos! Just couldn't resist!!
I'm really excited about this fella too as I purchased his sire from Chesa last fall and have been patiently, ok maybe not so much, waiting for the arrival of Doc's first babies, and have to say I'm quite pleased and can't wait for next year's babies so I have my own Doc foals