Finally - photos of my new stalls

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2003
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[SIZE=12pt]I have finally succeeded in uploading the pictures of my new stalls on my website.[/SIZE]

We worked most of the summer levelling the indoors -- and putting up the stalls. They are made of Priefert Wire Filled D Gates -- and we love them.

There are 13 stalls altogether -- 5 on the "short side" and 8 on the "long side". at this time we are using 2 stalls for feed and storage room -- and on the short side we have a 14x14 area to hold hay, tools and the cart.

So --- here is a link to the Main page --- choose the link : New Stalls to see the insides of the barn.

I am just getting the hang of my webeditor -- so please forgive the missing pictures, typos etc.. on the other pages.

Thanks for looking! (can you tell I am excited)??

Fox Holler Farm website

PS - now to add the electricity and running water -- that is in the works and should be completed within 6 mos - I hope - See Marty -- other people take forever to do things to their barns too! This has taken a YEAR to get this far! LOLOLOL
Oh I just love it, it is a really nice barn, someday I hope to get a barn built at my place, Congratulations!

:aktion033:Congradulations! Wow! - Fantastick pictures! Great descriptions! I love it when people put there barns on the web page. Your barn looks very open and airy.

It is always informative

Thank You For Sharing!

Bluerocket: How do you strap the Priefert Wire to the gates and stall sides? I have the metal gates and sides but would like to add this type of wire. Does it come in 100' rolls?

Nice barn and pictures too!!
[SIZE=14pt]Looks great! Love your layout! [/SIZE]

Your little dwarf Meggie looks just like my little Angel!

Here's a pic of Angel!

Oh JJay! Very, very nice! It all looks wonderful! I hope there's something really special in one of those stalls in 2009! *wink*

Congrats on the great pay off to all your hard work!

I was able to get my water to the barn right away....electric took me another 4 YEARS

Love those gates....where'd you buy them? I'd like those in my fields.
Very nice. You might want to rethink the size of your foaling stall, and give it solid walls, though. Mine is 20 X 18. That is only because it was left over from the Arabs- I think 15 X 15 would be big enough.
[SIZE=12pt]Thanks everyone for the compliments!![/SIZE]

The gates are made by Priefert (see website here--

Priefert website )

I have 8' gates (7'7" exactly) for the sides and 6' gates (5'7" really) for the fronts. The gates come in other sizes as well.

Here is a picture of one gate from their catalog:


and a link to that catalog page:

For the side gates -- we have them hung on Gate Hinges at both ends -- one set comes with the gates -- the other pins & clamps we bought at Tractor Supply.

This is the 5/8" hinge that we bought at Tractor Supply:


These are the hinges and pins that come with the gates


Inside the plywood walls and as posts (set 2.5" in the ground) we have 4x6 posts. The gates are hung on those. They are VERY sturdy.

These size stalls work great for our horses -- they do lie down in them -- and even roll - I saw one horse sorta get "cast" but they were able to push themselves back over because of the wire in the gates-- had no problems getting back up and over again!

I have found (by experience) that an 8x8 stall is quite a good size for foaling for my size horses -- and there are no holes big enough for a foal hoof to go through - we made sure of that. Thanks for the suggestions though!

Someone asked about how we attached the wire -- it is part of the gate that we purchased - no attachment done on our part.

The middle portion of the barn is wide enough (if I don't have the lawn tractor, manure spreader and lawnsweeper in it) - to exercise the horses in bad weather -- can long line and even do some limited round penning -- and can "turn them out" while I clean their stalls - to allow them to stretch their legs.

The entire barn is 40 wide by 48 long -- and the stalls only take up 16 feet of the width.

Again - thanks to everyone for the comments and compliments!!

Electric company coming out today to mark where we are to have the meter installed on the barn -- so hopefully I will have electricity by end of January.

WWMinis - your Angel is adorable

Here is another photo of Nutmeg (aka Meggie) in her winter woolies - I think she was 2 in this picture --


And clipped - posing for a special photo shoot:


and here is a photo of Clove (gelding) body clipped -- and a bit overweight - he was 2 in this picture.


Meggie is 6 1/2 and Clove is 5 1/2 now. They got a bit heavy over the summer so they are on diets to get them back to a more comfortable weight for the winter.

How old is Angel?

The stalls and the kids look great. I tried to email you from your website but it would not let me. So, I was wondering where you got the Priefert Panels. I would love to contact the rep and see what we can work out for my stalls. We are rebuilding a cow barn and need some kind of dividers that will let them see each other, but not get at each other. I love the ventilation and airyness. Good Job.

My barn is short on water and electric also, we are working on it. First though we have to sell the house so we can finish the purchase of the farm. Sigh, it is always something!!!!!! Congrats.
Your barn looks great!! Our poles went up for ours on Friday - hopefully when I get home from work today I have a rough. Ours is 36 x 48, and I love your stalls. Do you find that the 6 x 8's are wide enough? We've been debating on 8 x 8's. The gates will really allow for great air flow. Good Job! And thanks for sharing the pictures. I can't wait to show them to my huysband.

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