Finding Wheels

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Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Southwest Oklahoma
My sister's cart was in the wrong place at the wrong time last evening. Someone's big horse decided to have a one-horse rodeo. I was standing near the cart and saw the horse come down on her Jerald runabout. Then he smashed her wheelbarrow into the side of her tin barn before bucking on down the road. I was holding a friend's miniature within 10' at the time and from where I stood I expected to find the cart in splinters.

When the horse came down on the cart, the wire wheel squashed and mangled. Looks very like that photo that Rhinestone showed of the misshapen wheel on a recent post! Amazingly, that was the only damage.

I contacted the site I had saved for wheels and he replied that he is no longer making them. My sister would like the spoked type of wheel to replace, rather than the bicycle-type. Can anyone suggest a company?

We were due to drive in a parade on Sunday, but I doubt we can repair in time now.

I have a set of 20" spoked wheels on a 5" hub that I bought from I think it was G&S, for one of my easy entry carts. Send me a message if you think they will work for you. They do stiffen up the ride though, unlike the pneumatics.

Did the owner of the cart own the horse that did this? If not, I think the owner of the horse should have to pay to repair the cart!
Did the owner of the cart own the horse that did this? If not, I think the owner of the horse should have to pay to repair the cart!
Unfortunatly, it was my sister's horse. Someone else was handling him (long story). She plans to turn in the guy's vehicle damage to her insurance and I warned her NOT to say it was horse-related. I told her to simply say a gate fell against the guy's pickup. The guy can fix the damage to the barn himself. She felt responsible for the vehicle since it was her horse.

Give me little horses any day!

And I think I'll pay more attention to where I park my vehicle next time I'm out there.

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