Well-Known Member
:bgrin The filly fairy made a Mother's Day visit! Here is our first(and possibly last) 2006 foal! Out of 4 mares only this one was the "for sure" pregnant. Two have already proved to be open and I'm sitting on the fence on my last mare.....should know for sure in a couple of weeks. Anyway, I suspect this is our only foal for the year and I'm sure glad it's a filly......and my favorite color...bay pinto!
I love the marking on her butt. Trying to decide what I think it looks like! Any ideas? I'm so horrible with names so if any of you wonderful creative forum gang have any ideas let me know! Mom is NFCS Painted Desert and dad is Las Doradas BBS Freedom. Of course has to start with Total Eclipse! Thanks!

I love the marking on her butt. Trying to decide what I think it looks like! Any ideas? I'm so horrible with names so if any of you wonderful creative forum gang have any ideas let me know! Mom is NFCS Painted Desert and dad is Las Doradas BBS Freedom. Of course has to start with Total Eclipse! Thanks!