first mare up

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she's yawning!

Darn. I have to go spend a couple of hours cleaning stalls. I don't want to miss this big event!

i am thinking that tonite the orca whale will release her calf!! her hay is still in a almost prefect flake!! keep watch all! today is day 330!! and a perfect day for a foal!
Whooo Hooooo!!! I will be watching. Should be a early night for the kiddies and the

Computer time all to myself YIPPY. I hope she foals tonight for you. Just curious to know......... If for any reason she is foaling and it is late in the night is it still ok to call?? Was just wondering cause I dont want to call someone and it not be okay to call late.

I think it will be tonight or tomorrow.

Boy, It was like riding a roll coaster!.. UP and DOWN!..

LOL -- The mares really liked to make us all happy and confused!..

Happy Foaling!..
yes it is OK to call, i prefer a call than not. most of the time i am watching but i will take an hour nap every 3 hours! please please if it looks like she is pushing CALL!
i dont have a alarm on her.. lol i hadnt thought about getting her one! haha! i may invest in one next season tho!
I think it would be a great investment!
Don't the foal alarms go off when the mare lays out flat? If so, mine would be going off all the time. My mare that is due and under camera lays out flat for a little rest. After she had colic last summer I thought she went and died on me. She didn't twtich or anything when I called her name. Rotten horse.
Yeh, I love her anyway.
I can't get the video feed at work due to firewalls, but I did finally get it to work from home- I've been watching all week and I believe this is the very first time I"ve seen her laying down LOL

And where are the kitty's? Perhaps they sense something and are giving her privacy? Too funny!

I'm snowed in and probably not working tomorrow so I'll be on tonight watching!

Good luck!
I been watching her for the last few hours and she is in the same spot. Could someone go out and move her away from the wall please. Maybe then she will have room to push. comeon baby we are all waiting for you to appear so we can admire you
pics for comparison......

1/14 bag pics....


side view


underneath veiw

pics from today day 331


side veiw

i know doesnt look like its very big till.....


underneath veiw!! WOW lol big change...

just documenting her bag
and thought i would share!
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her milk is sticky... but not real thick. she has no edema, and i think her milk could be sweeter too and i think her tail could be more relaxed lol
Well I am heading out to do erands, I be she will have it well I am away...

Lacey sure looks restless....

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