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I am excited for you. I want to see the mare just for fun. I like a "face to go with a name". If you like you could email it to me if you dont want to post it. I have grown up with horses all of my life. One day I would like to raise a foal for myself too! :aktion033:
Welcome Pumpkin I agree with the Book you have ordered. :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

You will get to enjoy this forum, I did, just keep on posting and asking questions.

I bought my first horse Quarter / Arab after my father past away, I was left $5000.00 dollars and woke my husband up in the middle of the night to tell him, what I was going to do with my money, he laughed and said go to sleep we live in the city. Well he knows me, next day out looking and finding a place to board my new horse once, I found him. My dream came true and would never look back. 21 years later, live on a hobby farm now, about 3 years ago, I started with an unregistered Black Mare, getting to old to handle the big guys. We bred Registered Paso finos for about 7 years before the minis.

Now my unregistered Mare Jasmine, was bred with a black unregistered stallion cost me $25.00 to breed/ both around 30" and the next year a black and white pinto. Well that was it, I was hooked, and wanted registered from now on, found a wonderful home for my mare and colt together, and started buying, was up to about 13 total at once with young, but now down to 5 mares, 1 stallion and 1 gelding and a little colt coming end of July, for furture breeding in about 3 years. We have gotten into to showing also. You have to start some where, and I bet you will be getting more.

Lets have some fun stories as she was hoping for. Love to share my story.
: :saludando:
Hey Punkin, It's so nice to hear that you are thinking ahead and have a home for the foal. Good for you to want to enjoy this wonderful event with your mare and are making an effort to gather information. For the record, it does not bother me if a mini is unpapered or not as long as they are well cared for and you sound like a caring mini horse owner

The Complete book of the Horse by Karen Hayes (Haynes?) is my top choice for breeding info (but I'd skip the part on checking on foal position before the mare goes into labor- that's too invasive for me).

Good luck in your search for a suitable papa for your girl

No forum police here but I'd just like to claify that my only concern here is being in such a rush........her words

Is there other advice we should know about this adventure? Currently (and we have no time to waste)

And she did ask advice.
My very favorite is The Complete Book of Foaling by Karen Hayes. It IS VERY thorough! Next would be The Foaling Manual by Theresa ?? Her last name eludes me. I reread these every year! I also have many other foaling books but those are the best ( I was rather disappointed in Blessed are the Broodmares... Any time a new foaling book comes out I buy it! I love to read!
Well as I have stated there is no time to waste.. only because breeding season is upon us. Seems like not long ago I was watching the foal cams. I just haven't made a decision in the Papa because my friend and I will make it together.

I want to thank those of you with the positive comments.. both public and private. In any case I have a lot of good books to invest in.
Hi Punkin!

I remember back "in the day" post like this got wonderful informative responses. People might say something like being sure the sire was as refined as your mare, tell you the places you could get horse mare hardshipped it you chose to then the foal would be registered, too. They'd tell you how wonderful the miniature horse is and after you get that one baby you'll want more! They'd advise you to continue just as you are being thoughtful and taking your time making decisions.

An unregistered horse is only lucky enough part of the time to find their perfect home. One of my best broodmares came to me unregistered through an auction confiscation and the weaners being put in Foster Farm Care. Carolyn at WaldenHill and I both took a filly from that situation. Both have hardshipping our horses even knowing the farm they originally came from but we couldn't track them. My unregistered horse is now 12 yrs old, double registered with AMHA/AMHR and produces some of my best foals! It sounds like your little unregistered mare has found her perfect home and I commend you for taking the time to do this right.

My favorite book is the Complete Book of Foaling by Karen Hayes. I also like both the Blesses are the broodmares & the Foals.

If I can be of any help don't hesitate to email!

Well my Mom always told me that if I didn't have anything nice to say... I shouldn't say anything. Maybe those of us with Unregistered mini's need a site.. it could be:

UR Mini Horse Site... as in Un Registered.

OK it is just a joke... Please don't release the flying monkey's.
Welcome Punkin!!!!!

I read the first page of this thread a while ago. Got off, fumed about it, chewed on it a while, thought it over and decided to come back and make a few comments.

Seems KsCowgirl (and more of you after her) was ahead of me. I'm not one of the matriarch's of this board and don't breed. But I can't help but feel that Punkin got a whole lot less than a warm welcome. Don't remember reading anywhere that she was asking anyone's permission to breed her mare.

Good luck with your search for the perfect stallion for your little mare Punkin! Sounds to me like she's a keeper - registered or not.
Southern_Heart...Can we see a picture of the Mare in question?Joyce

You know I am really surprised people even post on here!

Someone comes on asking for information on a good book for information on breeding miniatures, and all people can do is wander what the mare looks like, or if it "should" be bred.
Gosh All I wanted to do was see the mare!! :new_shocked: I didn't think that was a reason to get flamed here!!

I guess I should put my flame suit on when it comes to people jumping the gun as to just wanting to see something. Good gosh!

Punkin, sorry to hijack your thread...this isn't anything towards you at all and has nothing to do with you or your mare...

First off, I want to say that I said in my post how I personaly felt and what I saw this weekend. I also said that was my very own opinion and was not to hold anyone else to how I feel.

Second, shall we all jump on and greet everyone who joins here and tell them, "Welcome! SURE, breed your sway-backed, parrot mouthed, cow hocked unregistered mare just because you love her. SURE that little stallion with popping stifles is a good choice. Have fun and boy are you doing the right thing and gonna make some money to boot! Wooo!" Isn't this place to help educate? Aren't we all here to learn and share? Yes, sometimes it comes off a bit gruff, but dangit, I think that is better than encouraging people to breed and risk their animals and those to come just for the sake of being all nice-nice. I get ticked at the harshness on here sometimes too, but have kept coming back for 7 years now. Real life isn't always pretty and not everyone thinks things through, so should we all just sit back with our mouths shut? What about when those people think it is great to breed the above mentioned mare and stud and then wonder why they can't sell the baby? What if that baby doesn't make it at all and the mare is lost as well? Should we not tell any newbies about that part as well? Should we not tell them about red bags since it might scare people off??? Sharing the reality or even an opinion isn't flaming and it isn't being mean or passing judgement!!! If this board is about learning and sharing, then that means people opening up, sharing their opinions and experiences good, bad and ugly.

Getting off my soap box...flame at will

I think the major issue is that a lot of people are assuming that just because someone is 'new' that they have what you call a sway-backed, parrot mouthed, cow hocked horse.....and as for the papers, I've heard time and time again on here "Papers don't make the horse"....blah blah blah...well I guess that only counts until 'some' get the idea they are in the position to judge others' choices.

I'm sorry but this thread had my left eye twitching from the moment I read the FIRST response which was pretty "gruff" as you put it - if something is pertinent, it doesn't need to be said down someone's nose - a little finesse can go a long way toward educating - not many people learn from being treated like they aren't worthy of the right to breed their own animal (and at least she already has a home for the proposed foal - so it won't have to sit on the saleboard for month after month after month like a lot of foals do).

Punkin, I PMed you earlier and know we share the same opinion about a few things, but you are MOST WELCOME to be here and learn with the rest of us (the ones of us who aren't above learning that is
: ).
Southern_Heart...Can we see a picture of the Mare in question?Joyce

You know I am really surprised people even post on here!

Someone comes on asking for information on a good book for information on breeding miniatures, and all people can do is wander what the mare looks like, or if it "should" be bred.
Gosh All I wanted to do was see the mare!! :new_shocked: I didn't think that was a reason to get flamed here!!

I guess I should put my flame suit on when it comes to people jumping the gun as to just wanting to see something. Good gosh!


Joyce, that was not directed at you it was to all the comments in general, not one person offered a good book, since that was what she was mainly asking for........They just seemed to quick to judge an unregistered mare being bred.
I was making a point with a worst case scenario for pete's sake. Sharing info and opinions is not passing judgement. No one was jumping up and down calling her evil. Sheesh.


Joyce, that was not directed at you it was to all the comments in general, not one person offered a good book, since that was what she was mainly asking for........They just seemed to quick to judge an unregistered mare being bred.

Thanks, I am glad it really wasn't directed at me. Although I didn't give any good books to read as at the time I couldn't think of any and was in a hurry to buzz through LB.

So I chose to just want to see the mare. As we all know we all love looking at pictures of other peoples horses!

I really don't care if the horse is reg or unreg as long as the horse has a loving home. Heck I have one that is unreg and he is my ranch mascot! Blind in one eye and I just love him.

I'm sorry Punkin, I hope you find a good stallion for your mare and have a beautiful foal and find the books your looking for.

Hey Punkin,

My stallion, Midnight was unreg
: I couldn't love him more! I think you should try to reg her with WCMHR aleast

May I ask what colour Punkin is? Chestnut?
: He, he, breed her to a cremello :bgrin
Punkin is a silver bay with blaze. She is 36". I have no desire to register her. This will be the only foal and as I said it will be a pet. This mini will drive, teach children about the care of horses and be company to a few children with special needs. I won't post a picture because I know better. I am not offended by someone wanting to put a face with a name. I won't because I know she is beautiful and am competant enough to know a good mare when I see one. That also goes for choosing a sire. I'll seek help from horse friends that have bred before and my vet if needed. I am not a marshmellow but appreciate all that came to my defense. Sorry to cause such a stir. Sometimes people shoot from the hip but don't mean to. Sometimes we mis-read a statement. It is easy to put a different slant on things. Depends on how it is read. And also there are people who can't admit that they may have hurt or offended someone. No apology needed. Talking mini's is apparently like talking religion or politics... a slippery slope.
Oh boy! My last mini was a lovely silver bay. It sounds like you are doing great things with your girl.

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