I had always heard that colts took longer to "cook", but that didn't prove true with my first foal. My AQHA mare in foal to an APHA stallion went a year almost to the day and had a lovely (and large) filly.
...Molly is a bit restless tonight. She generally at night has been laying down alot and very quiet. Tonight ( or should I say this morning @ 2.15am ) she is neighing a bit when I go check on her and she is stomping on the ground and yawning..hmmm.. I think I will be keeping a close eye on her...Hubby will be up again at 6.30am so that will be my bedtime
... getting very tired with all these late nights.. Lucky I get a couple of hours sleep during the day... Come on Miss Molly
ok Molly...get things going and show these girls how it is done! Then Kate, Nana, Izzie, Bindi, Robin, and Misty can follow close behind (did I forget anyone?)
hi guys, still no baby really strange behaviour till around 5.30am then stopped...she hasbeen eating normal today but staying close to her shelter... Sorry no webcam or we would have definitely put it up so I can get some sleep !!! haha.... Hoohah is still really puffy but no change in colour..Udder is still really full....Maybe she will have the last foal for 2012 or first foal for 2o13....or maybe thats me wishful thinking ..hahaha....update again soon
....She seems to be hanging lower in her belly and udder is still full I will try to get some more photos today...I am not sure about the colour of her hoohah, as I am not really sure if she would like me trying to look inside there without giving me a great big kick...lol
Hope everyone had an awesome New Years ..... bring on 2013...
Firstly I forgot to put up a photo the other day of Molly's amended shelter. We havent put anything up at the front yet as she is still coming and going.. I have been checking her every hour till 5.30am then went to bed and up again at 9.00am......Molly doesnt think i need sleep ...hahaha...Lucky I am an insomniac
No worries Di, I will get my daughter to go and get me some in the morning...
... hopefully that will give Molly incentive...It will be much softer but as for warmth Its summer here and the average temperature is around 30 degrees... hot hot hot...lol
hahahaha, I know its funny when I see your guys out in the snow and everyone saying how cold it is when here its super hot ....lol....I still find it awesome that we are all from such different parts of the world but our love and care for these animals is so similar
Yes hayley it certainly is !!!!!! maybe around 35 degrees today......Just got the bedding for Molly gotta go get it ready.... I think you are going to have 2 foals very close together missy...hahahahaha
I dont mean to hijack this thread but was hoping some of you aunties in different time zones might could help someone out in Florida. She is on marestare.com , Conder minis. It is a very long story but I am asking for anyone to help please keep an eye out for a bearded man in their barn. Their mare is due anytime now but if you could also try to watch even the outskirts of her stall for a man who seems to sometimes show up around 3-4am her time. If you go to the main part of LB miniature horses forum someone has posted a little info I believe it says something like HORSE ABUSER IN FLORIDA. I feel so bad for her.