Flat tire! now what?

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Tires and flats, oh my.....

The thorn resistant tube with slime and then a tire liner will do much to prevent flats. We have been prepping our wheels this way for many years now. "To my knowledge" it has served us very well.

We have just tried our first set of foam filled wheels which will allow us to use our Fat Daddy tire which we truly love. But oh my word are they heavy! The pair weighs more than our frame work. What we noticed many years ago is that weight in the wheel is not the same as rig weight and has little effect if the weight is in the wheel.

Now our approach when a flat occurs, is to tell the customer to strip both tire and tube off the rim, loop it over the seat back and drive home on the rim. Then give me a call and stuff will be on it's way to them. I just hate it when a customer/friend has a hard time and we do everything we can to make everything easy for the horse and the driver.

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