Irish Hills Farm
Irish Hills Farm
She originally posted this on the photo forum not knowing she can post foal announcements first on the main forum. She asked me to post pictures for her as she is having trouble with her internet at home.
Finally my mare "Little Kings Wild Thunder" whom I bought off Erica Killion this fall, bred to Sheryl's Stallion "Little Kings BT Buck Bandito" had a little perlino filly at 7:30pm May 3rd. I need to get some better pictures, these were just taken quick with my cell phone as she made her appearence she is alllll legs....We are going to name her Daisy and reg name we have set on, but with all the AMHR rules I'm not sure my farm name is allowed at the beginning of her name?? I'm thinking of naming her "Misty Ridges Days of Thunder" any know if thats possible??
Pictures below at 3 days old.
CONGRATULATIONS Shawntelle She is awesome!!

Pictures below at 3 days old.

CONGRATULATIONS Shawntelle She is awesome!!
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