Foal milk test strips

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Glasco, Kansas
Hi there, Yup it's getting to be that time of the year. I have always used the Natures Choice strips with the distilled water and so many cc's of milk/colostrum, mix and dip the strip.

There is a new test out there (can't think of the name) that uses strait colostrum on the strip, no mixing. Has anyone tried these and are they fairly accurate? It would be nice not to have to mix and dip


Do you mean Foal-Time? I used them last year and they are very easy and quick to use. I also found them to be very accurate.
Foal-Time strips are the best. I only had one mare to use them on, but the test was right on the money. Sx hours after turned yellow/green I had a filly born.

The only problem with foaltime is that it does not indicate foaling until VERY close to the actual foaling time. So for example, if you have to go to work at 8am for 9 hours, your mare may not test ready at 8 but if you tested again at 1pm, she would have tested ready and would have foaled before you got back from work. The Mother Nature's test give a 12-24 hour window which worked better for me as then I knew not to go to work and I was there to see the foal born. I did side by side comparisons last year, and both worked but like I said you got a wider window with Mother Natures. I suppose if you dont have to go to work the foaltime would be ideal.
Does anyone have the PDF Instruction Sheet and the Data Collection Sheet? The links on their site do not take me to those files and there is no contact email on the site that I can find. I would like to read these.

How many test strips do you get in one kit? I also don't find this information on the site.
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Hmmm, thank you eagle, but that link just takes me back to their web site. I guess I'll be one person not buying because of lack of informtaion. Maybe someone could encourage them to make the pdf files easy to access and put on an email address for contact.
Hmmm, thank you eagle, but that link just takes me back to their web site. I guess I'll be one person not buying because of lack of informtaion. Maybe someone could encourage them to make the pdf files easy to access and put on an email address for contact.
We have found that the pdf files are easier to access using Internet Explorer. If you are using Firefox, that may be the problem. I would be more than willing to send them to you if they do not attach here. Directions 2011.pdfdatacollection.pdf

Not sure why the email address is not on there, it is [email protected]. I will be sure to have that corrected today. Did you peak at the video? Please contact me if you or anybody have any further questons


  • Directions 2011.pdf
    457.8 KB
  • datacollection.pdf
    174.4 KB
thank you! The pdf files open just fine from here. I use IE for my web browser.

That data collection sheet should be a must have for every foaling attendant.
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The foaling strips worked great for me and I loaned some out to friends and they all liked them too!! I found them to be very accurate!!
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